Vorstellungbrief an die Gastfamilie.


Ich würde gerne mal eure Meinung und Verbesserung zu meinem Vorstellungs Brief (bzw. E-Mail) an meine GAstfamilie hören :slight_smile:

Dear XY

First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me in your family. In this letter I want to introduce myself and tell you something about me, my family and my life.
My name is Marco and I was born on the 13th of August 1997 in Germany. I live in XY, a city near to cologne with my parents and my older sister. We live in a house with a garden, outside of the city centre.
My sister is 19 years old and studies at university. Under we week she is living in her own flat but she is coming home every weekend. My mother is only working a short time of the week in a little shop and my father is working as an industrial mechanic. Because he has flexible working times, he is often not at home or sleeping at daytime.
I would consider myself as a calm person. I wouldn´t say of myself that I am shy, and if I am, then just at the beginning. I don’t think that I have a difficult or complicated character, and I think I can deal well with new situations. The only thing which will be difficult for me is the food. I don´t like many meals which won´t be a problem for me, because I don´t have a problem with not getting a meal or just a little. I hope that won´t be a problem for you.
I´m very interested in electronic and like to play computer and unlike many as other teenagers I´m not that kind of a person who likes to spend the whole day with friends. Nethertheless I like to do other interesting things to not spend the whole day inside of the house and if there are so I will enjoy being on the move the whole day.
At the time I´m visiting the 10th grade of a gymnasium (high school) with physics and math being my favorite subjects. After I finished school I want to study something like engineering, but because speaking English is crucial I want to increase my English skills. I think I can already speak fluently with some deficits in grammar. I hope I can maybe improve this a bit in the three weeks I spend in London.
Besides improving my English I would like to visit the city and see some interesting spots of London.
To end up I wanted to inform you about my arrival time. My flight will arrive at 6:50 PM at London Heathrow. I´m not familiar with flight so that I don´t exactly know when I can take the train to your house. When I can take the train at 8:00Pm I will arrive at 10:00 PM. Will it be o.k. for you if I will show up a bit later in case I don´t directly find the right way?
I am really looking forward to my travel to England,

Yours, Marco.

Benutze ich zu oft „arrive“ und „I“? Würde mich sehr um Hilfe freuen :slight_smile:

Also ich finde es gelungen. Vielleicht fragst du mal deinen English Lehrer ob er noch Verbesserungen hat.


Ich habe den Brief kurz korrigiert.

Inhaltlich finde ich ihn nicht so richtig gelungen. Du solltest deine Interessen näher beschreiben, „interessante Dinge“ ist völlig nichtssagend. Und du solltest diesen seltsamen Vergleich zwischen dir und „den allermeisten anderen Jugendlichen“ vermeiden, das klingt seltsam und ist nichtssagend. Überhaupt geht es darum, was du gerne tust und nicht um das, was du nicht gerne tust. Es interessiert deine Gastfamilie ohnehin wenig, ob du viele Freunde hast oder nicht, wenn du lediglich drei Wochen zum Sightseeing und Englisch verbessern vor Ort bist. Du bist ja kein Austauschschüler, der ein ganzes Jahr in England verbringen und dort zur Schule gehen wird, Freunde finden will und sich in der Gastfamilie und im Alltag richtig intensiv eingewöhnen muss.

Das mit dem Essen klingt auch ziemlich seltsam. Ich hätte das Gefühl, mein Gastkind verhungern zu lassen, wenn es so gut wie nichts isst, auch wenn es selbst sagt, es würde ihm nichts ausmachen. Schmecken dir wirklich nur so wenige Lebensmittel?

Ebenso würde ich weniger „I want“ und mehr „I would like“ schreiben, das klingt freundlicher.

Im letzten Absatz würde ich eher darum bitten, dich vom Flughafen abzuholen, das ist eigentlich normal bei Gastfamilien. Der Flughafen Heathrow ist der größte in Europa und London ist sehr, sehr groß, ich war schon ziemlich oft da.

Dear XY

First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me to your family. In this letter I want to introduce myself to you and tell you something about me, my family and my life.
My name is Marco and I was born on the 13th of August 1997 in Germany. I live in XY, a city close to Cologne, with my parents and my older sister. We live in a house with a garden, outside of the city centre.
My sister is 19 years old and attends university. During the week she stays in her own flat but she comes home every weekend. My mother works pert-time in a little shop and my father is an industrial mechanic. As he has flexible working hours, he`s often away on business or sleeps during the day.
I would consider myself as a calm person and I think I can deal well with new situations. The only thing which will be difficult for me is the food. I don´t like many meals which won´t be a problem for me, because I don´t have a problem with not getting a meal or just a little. I hope that won´t be a problem for you.
I´m very interested in electronics and like to play computer games, (…).
Currently I attend 10th grade at high school, my favorite subjects are physics and maths. After I finished school I would like to study something like engineering but because English a a language is crucial I want to increase my commands of English. I think I can already speak fluently but I have grammatical problems. I hope I can maybe improve my commands a bit during the three weeks I will spend in London.
Besides improving my English I would like to visit the city and see some interesting spots of London.
To end up I wanted to inform you about my arrival time. My flight will arrive at 6:50 PM at London Heathrow. (…)
I am really looking forward to my time in London,

Yours, Marco

Viele Grüße und eine schöne Zeit in London,
