Student letter

hey leute,
ich wär euch echt dankbar wenn ihr eingefleischten Austauschschüler mal eure meinung zu meinem student letter kundtu´n würdet…

ich bin bis jetzt nicht allzu weit gekommen, aber immerhin etwas…

Dear host family! January 18th, 2007

First of all, I would like to express, that I am deeply grateful that you will give me the chance to stay in the USA for about one year. I am really interested in the “American way of life” and your culture.

My name is Max, I am 15 years old and I’m living with my family in Osnabrück ( a little town in northern Germany).In this letter I want to tell you something about my environment and me. I think it’s useful to report something about my family first, as she is very important for me. After this I will provide you an insight into my circle of friends and school-everyday-life. Finally, I’ll tell you something about me and my hobbies.

My family is composed of my parents, my older sister and little brother. My siblings and I get along with each other very well. My sister Katharina is getting 18 years old this year and she is into riding her horse and meeting friends. On the other hand there is my brother Christopher (8), who likes playing soccer and meeting his best pal. My father is 44 years old and works as a tax and chartered accountant. My mother (42) works as a part-time veterinarian. My grandma also belongs to our closer family.
I have a very good relation with all members of my family. Of course my siblings and I are integrated in the household, as both parents are working.
I have to mow the lawn, walk the dog and help in the kitchen.
We hold a dog, a cat and two mice. I like pets very much.

With my friends, I often play football. Earlier we often went to cinema, but know we spotted a new hobby, poker. Once or twice a month we’re meeting at one’s house and play poker there. Of course we play without money, but everybody is ambitious to win anyhow.
My friends and I attend the same school and live in the same district, so we see each other every morning in the bus.

My school is in the center of the town and is the oldest school in Germany. My interests are in English, History, Politics and Latin. I especially love learning foreign languages. History is also one of my favourite subjects because I like getting to know foreign cultures and their way of thinking.
I usually like going to school because our class is a good community and there are many nice pupils there.

Now it’s about time to say something about me. My hobbies are especially in soccer:
Playing soccer in a sport club and with friends, train a soccer youth team and being a referee. Currently I visit a trainer seminar for soccer six hours a week. Moreover; I like reading many books, cooking and going to the choir. Furthermore, I sometimes play computer games.
In the winter holidays I like going snowboarding or skiing. In summer we go to the sea, either we go surfing (I love it), swimming or just biking and relaxing.

As far as I can form an opinion about my character, I would say that I am usually a self-confident person. Sometimes, I am a little bit shy, but that doesn’t hold on for longer than a few minutes. I enjoy having a lot of people around me with whom I go to the cinema or just have fun.

Naja… bitte sagt mir eure Meinung
Dankeschön im Voraus
euer Max

ja :cry:
aber nicht viel
nur mit der begrüßung am anfang, das fand ich gut und wusste nicht, wie ich das verändern sollte
ich hoffe das ist nicht schlimm
danke für deine antwort

hast du eigentlich schon antwort wo du hinkommst?

sach mal wie schließt man sonen brief ab?

sach mal wie schließt man sonen brief ab?

hey max :]
noch ein ev’ler für die usa :grinning:

einmal hast du…weiter oben im brief, my hobby is football.
und unten dann soccer…
Meinste mit beidem Fußball oder mit dem einen Football und dem andern Fußball.
Sonst find ich ihn gut :]

Mein Brief endet so :

I hope you got a first impression of my personality and my daily life. I hope we will have great months together and have some nice experiences.

Thank you for giving me the chance to come to America.
I am so excited to meet you.


danke für deine antwort
is mir gar nich aufgefallen
schöner schluss:)
hast du deine bewerbungsmappe schon fertig?

jjaaa, ich warte auf termine für slept & vbs xD
hab sie so ende des letzten jahres abgeschickt ;]

Lg, isi :]

auf was für termine wartest du?:grimacing:

also xD
ich warte erstmal auf den Termin für meinen Slep Test, das is dieser Englisch test, den jeder schreiben muss damit die amerikanischen Schulen einen einstufen oder annehmen…
Und dann das VBS, sprich Vorbereitungsseminar.
Alles abkürzungen ^^
Hab mir auch mal gedacht, oh backe - so redest du nie - aber es is einfach praktischer ^^

Lg, isa