Parents Letter ?! So inordnung?

Hey, Leute.

Meine Eltern und ich haben jetzt den Parents Letter geschrieben und ihr sollt doch mal bitte gucken ob das so in ordnung ist und ob sich noch fehler eingeschlichen haben.

Dear host family,

First of all we want to thank you for giving our son Timo the chance to become an exchange student and to take part in your daily life.
We are grateful that you will help us to make his wish come true .

Timo was born in summer 1995, here in Germany.
We live in a little town in the north of Germany, with 14000 inhabitans.

He is fascinated by the USA. Timo has wanted to travel there for a long time.
One day he came to us and told us about his idea to do a High School year in the USA.
At the beginning we did not know how to cope with him decision because we love Timo and we cannot imagine to live without him one year .
But he convinced us, so we agreed and now he talks about his feelings, expectations and anticipations everyday.
It is his biggest personal wish to know a new culture, a new state, friendly people and improve his
We know that a High School year means very much for Timo and hope that he will have a great experience and that you will give him the feeling to be a part of your famliy. Timo is interested and sociable and because of this, it won’t be a problem for him to integrate himself in your family.
We have do not have any doubts because he is doing good at school.
So we think that he will take great affords to have a successful year at an American high school.

At home he has got some chores.
He hast o empty the trash, remove the dishwasher, vacuuming the rooms and usually helps setting the table.
He doesn´t like it, but he always do it.
Apart from that he helps his two years younger sister with her homework.

When he meets new people he might seem a little reserved at the first moment but as he gets to know people and starts to feel confident around them he is very responsible and authentic.

Timo loves music, he plays drums, too.
But it is not his only hobby, so he likes read, travel and plays football, too.

His friends mostly like his honestly and cooperative character.
He is a very helpful boy, who likes his friends.
Every weekend he meets his friends.
But on sundays we, as a family, go on trips like to the local swimming pool, visit family friends or go to events in bigger cities.

We hope this letter helped you to get a first impression of Timo and our family life in Germany.
Please feel free to ask us if there is anything you wish to be clarified or if you would like to know more about our family

Best wishes

ich wolte nur mal fragen bei welcher orga du bist weil ich so einen parents letter gar nicht shreiben musste ich musste nur einen brief an die gastfamilie selber schreiben…
aber ich denke der brief ist ganz ok, am ende würde ich aber schreiben „yours sincerely“ statt best wishes…
lg anna

wozu ist dieser parents letter? hast du schon ne gastfamilie oder ist das teil der bewerbung??
und musste man den mit den eltern zusammen schreiben? weil so hört sich das nur an als ob deine eltern der gastfamilie von dir schreiben, normal schreibt das doch aber der gastschüler um sich selbst vor zustellen.


Manche Organisationen wollen einen Brief vom Bewerber und einen von den Eltern. Keine Ahnung, was die potentiellen Gastfamilien davon zu sehen bekommen, aber ich finde das eigentlich ganz gut, da man den Schüler so auch aus einer anderen Sichtweise dargestellt bekommt, als Lehrer kennt man den Schüler ja nicht so gut und lange wie die Eltern, und man selbst kann ja meistens nur schlecht einschätzen, wie man auf Andere wirkt.

Tut mir leid das ich solange nicht geantwortet habe:

  1. Ich bin bei World Wide Qualifications
  2. Ja, gehört mit zur Bewerbung, ich selber musste mich natürlich auch in einem seperaten Brief beschreiben

Hey Timo,

ich hab gerade erst gesehen, dass dein Beitrag schon von Ende Dezember ist. Falls dir das jetzt vielleicht noch irgendetwas bringen würde, hab ich mal den Brief ein bisschen korrigiert und umgeschrieben:

Dear host family,

first of all we would like to thank you for giving our son Timo the chance to become an exchange student and a part of your family.

Timo was born in (Name der Stadt) on (Geburtsdatum).
We live in a town with about 14000 inhabitants in northern Germany.

Timo has dreamed of travelling the USA for a long time as he is pretty fascinated by this country.
At first we didn`t know how to cope with his wish for a High School Year because at this point we could hardly imagine living without him for such a long time.
But he convinced us by (womit ?) and now he talks to us about his feelings and expectations every day. He is looking forward to experiencing a foreign country and its culture and meeting new people.

Getting the chance to attend an American high school and living with a host family means a lot to Timo. He is sociable, open-minded, responsible and honest and does well at school, so we are sure that he will be able to accommodate himself effortlessly to both your family and the high school.

At home he has got some chores, including doing the dishes and the vacuum cleaning and setting the table. He doesn`t really enjoy it but he does it though.
Furthermore he often helps his younger sister with her homework.

Timo loves music and can play the drums. In his spare time he also enjoys meeting up with his friends, reading and playing soccer. At the weekend we often go swimming, visit events in larger cities or meet with our relatives and friends.

Well, finally we would like to thank you for taking the time to read our letter.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon !

Best regards,



Danke für die korrektur/verbesserung, aber der ist schon etwas länger verschickt.

Danke trotzdem :slight_smile:
