noch ein host family letter..bitte verbessern

Dear host family,

First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me in your family for 3 months. To get to know me I will tell you somthing about me.
My name is Rebecca **** and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Frankfurt and I lived the first seven years of my live there with my parents. Frankfurt is a ctiy with about 700,000 inhabitants and is famous for its skyline, the stock market and the airport. On weekends we drove to **** where my grandparents have a house with garden. When I went to school my parents decided to move to my grandparents because **** is not as big as Frankfurt and there we have a garden. It is now five years ago that we enlarged our house by attaching some rooms. Now my grandma lives on the first floor and my parents and I live on ground floor. My father works at Siemens as a… and my mother is a chemical-technical assistant. In summer we enjoy having barbecues in the garden or just sit outside in canvas chairs.
I went to the Haingartenschule which is in ***** so every morning I walked with my friends to school. I am now in 10th grade at the ****. It’s a Gymnasium and I’m one of the best students in class. My favorite subject at school is English and I would like to take it as major in A-levels. My second language in school is spanish. It’s more difficult to learn than english but nevertheless it’s fun. I have chosen “Kulturelle Praxis” as a required optional subject because I like acting. At the moment we are preparing the play “Gott” by Woody Allen.
I have a very good relation with my parents. My Mum only works till afternoon so we often go shopping together or just spend the time talking. One of the best things I do with my dad is skiing. Many weekends in winter (when there is enough snow) we go the the Rhön. It is a lower mountain range approximately 3000 feet high and it´s only one hour to drive by car. I really like skiing and in winter or at Easter time we go on a skiing vacation in the Austrian Alps. In summer we like to go to South Tyrol for hiking, a kind of sport that can turn into hard work but the view you have from the mountains to the valley and the feeling when you arrive at your destination are worth it. The best vacation I have made is to the Doinican Republic. We had booked a fantastic hotel and we spent the whole day at the white beach.
In my free time I meet my friends. I like swimming so in summer my friends and I often go to the outdoor pool. Reading is another hobby of mine and I do it a lot. In our town we have a library which is very practical so I don´t have to spent all my money in books. In the evenings I sometimes watch the series “Friends” in english. It´s nice to see what I already can understand. I play the flute and because of my teacher´s husband who plays the organ at church, we sometimes give concerts. I enjoy that because most of the time the songs are really beautiful and it´s fun with the other girls. We also play at other occasions e.g. at christmas partys.
Since last year we have another family member: Minou, our cat. We took her from the animal shelter when she was about 10 weeks old. At first she was rather shy and got frightened easily, but now we are really good friends and she likes playing with us, climbig at trees and catching the mice in our garden…
The reason I want to go to Australia is to experience the everyday life and the easy-going mentality of the Australian and their culture. Another point is to experience something totally new, to get more independent and of course to improve my english. When I read field reports written by other exchange students most of them talked about the beauitiful and varied landscape. I would like to have the opportunity to see this as well, this would be great.

I’m looking forward to meet you.
Yours sincerely

HAt jemand vllt Verbesserungsvorschläge?

und ich hab noch eine frage: der Brief ist jetzt für die Bewerbung bei Treff. Wenn man da angenommen wird, bekommen die Gastfamilien dann die Briefe, um sich zu entscheiden oder erst wenn sie sich schon für denjenigen entschieden haben? Weiß das jemand?

also ich finde den Brief schon ziemlich gut, allerdings solltest du bei der Einleitung vll noch einen Satz mehr schreiben…so was wie "toll, dass ihr jmd aufnehmen wollt " usw.

Ich weiss nicht wie das bei deiner Orga ist, aber die families dürfen sich ja die austauschschüler nnicht nur aus Deutschland sondern auch aus anderen Ländern aussuchen, also solltest du noch sagen das Frankfurt in Deutschland ist :smiley:

Am Ende könntest du noch ein paar mehr Gründe angeben, warum du das machen willst also z.B. du willst die Kultur kennen lernen, die Sprache perfektionieren usw…

Ich hoffe das dir das ganze was bringt :wink: ,
Liebe Grüße,


ist das „yours sincerely“ nicht eher so wenn man jemandem schreibt im berufsleben oder so. ich meine, diese familie wird „deine familie“ sein, wenn sie dich nimmt.
ich würde so etwas wie „take care, yours ***“ schreiben… oder so etwas…
(lass mich aber auch gerne verbessern…)

liebe grüße

oh, und ich würde erklären was ein „Gymnasium“ ist, denn „gym“ (die kurzform von gymnasium) heißt im englischen Sprthalle.

ansonsten find ich den letter gut - ich hab auch schon mal so n paar entwürfe gemacht, meine finden immer kein ende… ich schreib und schreib… wenn ich dann meinen wirklichen letter schreiben muss, muss ich es wohl etwas zusammenstauchen… :smiley:

Dear host family,

First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me in your family for 3 months. To get to know me I will tell you somthing about me (myself).
My name is Rebecca **** and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Frankfurt and I lived the first seven years of my live (life) there with my parents. Frankfurt is a ctiy with about 700,000 inhabitants and is famous for its skyline, the stock market and the airport. On weekends we drove to **** where my grandparents have a house with (a) garden. (evtl solltest du erzählen, was an einem Garten so besonders ist, denn die meisten haben, wenn sie nicht gerade Downtown wohnen, und du zu 100% nicht hinkommst, einen) When I went to school my parents decided to move to my grandparents because **** is not as big as Frankfurt and there we have a garden. It is now five years ago that we enlarged our house by attaching some rooms. Now my grandma lives on the first floor and my parents and I live on (the) ground floor. My father works at Siemens as a… and my mother is a chemical-technical assistant. In summer we enjoy having barbecues in the garden or just sit outside in canvas chairs.
I went to the Haingartenschule which is in ***** so every morning I walked with my friends to school. I am now in 10th grade at the ****. It’s a Gymnasium and I’m one of the best students in class. My favorite subject at school is English and I would like to take it as major in A-levels. (oder as an advanced course in High school) My second language in school is Spanish. It’s more difficult to learn than English but nevertheless it’s fun. I have chosen “Kulturelle Praxis” (was im Englischen mit Drama auszudrücken wäre) as a required optional subject because I like acting. At the moment we are preparing the play “Gott” by Woody Allen.
I have a very good relation(ship) with my parents. My Mum only works till afternoon (wann genau, das ist in Amerika auch eine etwas längere Zeitspanne) so we often go shopping together or just spend the time talking. One of the best things I do with my dad is skiing. Many weekends in winter (when there is enough snow) we go the the Rhön. It is a lower mountain range approximately 3000 feet high and it´s only one hour to drive (by car). I really like skiing and in winter or at Easter time we go on a skiing vacation (besser trip) in the Austrian Alps. In summer we like to go to South Tyrol for hiking, a kind of sport that can turn into hard work but the view you have from the mountains to the valley and the feeling when you arrive at your destination are worth it. The best vacation I have made is to the Doinican Republic (Domenican Republic, oder auch Domenicans). We had booked a fantastic hotel and we spent the whole day at the white beach.
In my free time I meet my friends. I like swimming so in summer my friends and I often go to the outdoor pool. Reading is another hobby of mine and I do it a lot. In our town we have a library which is very practical (???) so I don´t have to spent all my money in books. In the evenings I sometimes watch the series “Friends” in english. It´s nice to see what I already can understand. I play the flute and because of my teacher´s husband who plays the organ at church, we sometimes give concerts. I enjoy that because most of the time the songs are really beautiful and it´s fun with the other girls. We also play at other occasions e.g. at christmas partys.
Since last year we have another family member: Minou, our cat. We took her from the animal shelter when she was about 10 weeks old. At first she was rather shy and got frightened easily, but now we are really good friends and she likes playing with us, climbig at trees and catching mice in our garden…
The reason I want to go to Australia is to experience the everyday life and the easy-going mentality of the Australian and their culture. Another point is to experience something totally new, to get more independent and of course to improve my english. When I read field reports written by other exchange students most of them talked about the beautiful and varied landscape. I would like to have the opportunity to see this as well. (Das ist eine Aufforderung Urlaub mit dir zu machen und ich finde, dass das nicht in einen host fam letter gehört)
I’m looking forward to meet you.
Yours sincerely

Desweiteren solltest du alle ‚english‘ mit ‚E‘ schreiben.
Yours sincerly kannst du ruhig schreiben, noch kennst du sie ja nicht.

äh…ich will hier jetzt nix falsches schreiben…du kannst die anderen ya auch noch mal nachfragn aba irgendwie kann ich mich noch daran entsinnen…dass meine blöde lehrerin mia irgendwann im unterricht mal versucht einzubläuen dat dat
„im looking forward to MEETING you“ heißt