Motivationsschreiben, was sagt ihr?

My name is ------ and I was born on the 18th of July 19-- in ----, North Rhine – Westphalia. I am living in —, a small town near to -----, with my parents, my younger brother and my twin sister.Since 2007 I am visiting the ----- Gymnasium in ----. Now I am in the 8th grade. My favourite subjects are English, German and also Physical Education. There are no subjects I really dislike, because I think I can learn something from every subject. I take part in the “Drehtürmodell” which our school involved for outstanding pupils from grade 5 to 9. I am allowed to leave the class two lessons per week to work on a thesis. My thesis´s title will be “The Maoris in the society of New Zealand”. While getting information about an exchange year in New Zealand I wanted to no some more about New Zealands native inhabitants and was fascinated of their culture, so I picked this topic for my thesis.
My reports have always been good and I am enjoying school most of the time. I think it would be a great opportunity for me to visit a school in New Zealand and be involved in the school system. It is a system with lots of different subjects, which you can not take in Germany, so I would be able to get an insight into different opportunities for my professional future.
In my free time I love playing volleyball with my team. I do this for 5 years and found many friends in my team and also in my sport club. Since August I am the trainer of a volleyball team of 15 girls aged 9 – 11. I do this for volunteer once per week and it is much fun. At weekends I often go to matches with them or play self with my team. I really love sports and
one reason why I want to go to New Zealand is to try out some sports like surfing or extreme sports like skydiving. It would also be great to have Outdoor Education at school.
Beside volleyball I really enjoy playing theater in a intercultural theater group, where I found many friends. It is great with all this different people from different countries tell about their homeland and it is one of the reasons why I want to live in another country for a long and be more than a tourist. I think that we all live in one world and so we should be friends and get to know each others cultures and respect them. That is what I learned since I took part in my theater group.
I also play the guitar and am a member of the editorial of our student newspaper. Since the 3th grade I am a ministrant in my parish.
After school I want to work as an journalism, because I think it is a job where I can put all my positive features together. It is a job where you can work with other people in a team, at any different places and have much variety. I would also prefer a job where I can travel and come in contact with many people.
Since a few years it is my biggest dream to spent an exchange year in New Zealand. As my volleyball trainer came back from her exchange year in French and she changed much in a positive way. At that time I could not imagine to go far from home all alone but it has always been my wish to see the whole world some day. Then my team mate went to New Zealand for six months and brought a lot of pictures with her. When I saw them I just wanted to got there and so I started to think about doing an exchange year, too. I hope that I will get the chance to go to New Zealand and become more independent and self confident. I want to look above my own horizon and find out about all the opportunities I have got. I want to help to overcome prejudices and find friends at the other side of the world, which I can always come back to. I want to learn how to fit with problems on my own and live in another culture. I want to tell the people in New Zealand about my home and I want to learn English perfectly. I just want to learn how to live and find a second home. I want to be home in the world.

Sagt bitte wie ihr ihn findet, und was ich besser machen kann, gerne auch Grammatik oder sowas :slight_smile:

fällt euch nichts ein :slight_smile: Wäre echt lieb wenn ihr etwas schreiben würdet, ich bin mir nämlich reichlich unsicher

also, ich bin’s mal so überflogen.
ich sag einfach mal, was ich evt. ändern würde etc.

  1. du hast geschrieben, dass deine zeugnisse immer gut waren etc. . Ich finde es käme besser, wenn du schreiben würdest, dass dir die Schule z.B. keine Probleme bereitet. Das klingt nicht so ‚abgehoben‘ :wink:

  2. ‚I do this for 5 years…‘; besser wäre vllt. ‚I’ve played for 5 years/ since i was…‘

halt so kleinigkeiten :stuck_out_tongue:
ist eigentlich richtig gut. Vielleicht würd’ ich noch schönere Übergänge machen, und manchmal vielleicht nich ‚ganz so dick‘ auftragen, weißt du was ich meine? Also ich find den text super; aber grad der schluss ist vielleicht a touch too much. aber das ist natürlich nur meine meinung :wink:

hoffe, ich konnte was helfen ( auch wenn’s so schon gut ist :grinning: )

ich würde „next to“ schreiben…bei der stadt :slight_smile:

ansonsten voll gut :slight_smile:

Dankeschön :slight_smile: Ja da hast du recht so im nachhinein wirklich etwas dick aufgetragen :slight_smile: