Mein korrigierter Gastfambrief, bitte durchschauen und bitte helfen !

Bitte helft mir auch bei den Übergängen ich weiß nicht wie ich das schreiben soll!
Und überall wo die ??? sind habe ich kein plan was ich scheiben soll … helft mir doch bitte, denn bei manchen weiß ich nur nicht was ich schreiben soll enweder das eine oder das andere schaut doch einfach mal durch und bitte helft mir . . . HILFE

Dear host family,

First of all, I would like thank you for welcoming me in to your family and letting me be a part of your life. I’m thanking you for giving me the chance to learn more about the American culture. I’m really grateful that you are spending time to read my letter and getting to know me better.

Now I want to introduce myself. ??
I’m Jacqueline Schade, but everybody calls me Jacky and I’m 19 years old and I will be 20 in march. I’m not very tall (5 feet, 2 inches) and I’ve brown hairs. (weiß nicht ob das so wichtig ist sie sehen mich ja eh auf einem bild)
I live in Muehlhausen, Thuringia in Germany, where I was born, too.
Muehlhausen is a little oder small ?? town in the middle of Germany. There we have a small house with a little garden. My mum (oder lieber mother ??) Cornelia is an independent hairdresser and my dad (father ??) Uwe works as a crane operator. My brother Steve who is three years older, works as an insurance agent and live with his girlfriend, Mandy in an apartment near our house. My boyfriend Thomas live in a small village called ?? Görmar closed on (ist das richtig ??) Muehlhausen. (Hier fehlt doch etwas ??) And there I’ve two pets, one rabbit called/named ?? Wuschel and one guinea pig called/named ?? Fuschel they are so sweet and lovely. I’ve build them a big stable of wood.

Let me tell you something more about me and my interests and hobbies. I’m very funny, lovely and nice and really family orientated (too ??).

[I love children very much, and I love it to play with children and to to handicrafts and so on, that’s why I want to be an au pair] – so was in der richtung nur noch mehr muss ich unbending noch irgendwo in den text einbringen hat jmd. einen vorschlag was man noch schreiben könnte ohne sich laufend zu wiederholen, und wo ich so was ein bringen könnte ??

I’m sporty, (?? irgendwie hört sich das scheiße an !) I love badminton I was in a badminton club for three years and now I’m one and a half year in a health club (explaination- was heißt das ??). Other interests are sightseeing e.g. zoo, museums, theatre, new states and countries and so on. Most of all I like the zoo because there are so many animals, and I love animals. I like to do handicrafts at all and I love playing everything (with children/ like board games, … and so on )???. And I’m very interested in the United States and their culture and all of them…da fehlt auch noch was

In July 2004 I had finished the school with the 10th grade, after them I had begun my apprenticeship as car mechanic/garage mechanic. In January 2008 I will be done with my apprenticeship . oder In January 2008 I(´m) conclude my apprenticeship. ??

In the beginning I look more shy (kann ich das überhaupt schreiben ?) then I’m because everything is new for me, but I hope you can show me a lot of [new and] interesting things /that are new for me. I think I will get many new impressions and make new experiences. I hope that my stay will be an interesting experience for me and for you. I really thank you for reading this letter and hope you forgive me all the faults in my letter.
So I hope to hear from you and even more to be a part of your family for a year.
I am sure that we can learn many things from each other and hopefully I will find a second home.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

Lots of greetings, / Yours sincerely, (MFG) / Best regrets (MFG) ??? was findet ihr am besten

Jacky / Jacqueline schade ??

Ich versuch ma was… hab am ende aufeghört groß zu schreiben, wnen ich was geändert hab^^ sry.

Dear host family,

First of all, I would like TO thank you for welcoming me in to your family and letting me be a part of your life. I’m thanking you for giving me the chance to learn more about the American culture. I’m really grateful that you are spending time to read my letter and getting to know me better.

I’m Jacqueline Schade, but everybody calls me Jacky and I’m 19 years old BUT I WILL TURN 20 IN MARCH. I’m not very tall (5 feet, 2 inches) and I’ve brown HAIR (Hair hat keinen Plural)

I live in Muehlhausen, Thuringia in Germany, where I was born, too.
Muehlhausen is a small town in the middle of Germany. There we have a small house with a little garden.
My mum Cornelia is an independent hairdresser and my dad Uwe works as a crane operator.
My brother Steve who is three years older THAN ME, works as an insurance agent and LIVES with his girlfriend Mandy in an apartment near our house.

My boyfriend Thomas LIVES in a small village called ?? Görmar NEAR Muehlhausen. AT HOME I’ve two pets, one rabbit named Wuschel and one guinea pig called Fuschel. They are sweet and lovely.
I’ve BUILT them a big stable of wood.

Let me tell you something more about me and my interests and hobbies. I’m very funny, lovely, nice and really family orientated.

[I love children very much, and I love it to play with them and to do handicrafts and so on, that’s why I want to be an au pair]

I’m sporty, I love badminton because I was in a badminton club for three years and now I’m in a health club for 1 1/2 years.

Other interests of mine are sightseeing e.g. zoo, museums, theatre, new states and countries and so on.
Most of all I like the zoo because there are so many animals, and I love animals. I like to do handicrafts in general and I love playing games…

And I’m very interested in the United States, their culture, the people they live there and of course its great landscape.

In July 2004 I had finished school with the 10th grade, after then I had begun my apprenticeship as a car mechanic/garage mechanic.
In January 2008 I will be done with my apprenticeship .

In the beginning I appear more shy than I really am because everything is new to me but I hope you can show me a lot of [new and] interesting things.
I think I will get many new impressions and make new experiences.

I hope that my stay will be an interesting experience for me and for you. I really thank you for reading this letter and hope you forgive me all the mistakes I’ve done in my letter.

So I hope to hear from you and even more to be a part of your family for a year.
I am sure that we can learn many things from each other and hopefully I will find a second home.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

Lots of greetings, / Yours sincerely, (MFG) /


Danke schön !


also als erstes würde ich anstatt „I’m thanking you for giving me the chance…“ schreiben: „I thank your for giving me the opportunity…“. chance hört sich so deutsch an xD

„Now I want to introduce myself.“ Gut, aber ich hab das irgendwie so geschrieben, dass ich am tisch sitze und mir grad so überlege was ich schreiben soll. vllt kommt das ja gut, wenn die merken, dass du dir gedanken darüber machst… kp :smiley: joa und dann hab ich das geschrieben: Therefore, perhaps it is the best when I will tell you something about me now… und dann hab ich angefangen aus meinem Leben zu schreiben.

→ Muehlhausen is a small town

joa… und der größte teil wurde auch schon berichtigt :slight_smile:

viel glück ;D

ich würd übrigens statt „Let me tell you something more about me…“ schreiben " further things about me…"