Mal wieder einer von den Host Family Lettern <---bitte trotzdem nochmal rüberschauen x)

Hey, wär echt nett wenn ihr nohmal kur lesen und mir ein kleines Fedback geben könntet:)
Seid dabei bitte ehrlich also wenn ihr ihn doof findet sagts bitte auch x)

Dear Host Family,

First of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the oportunity to live one year in the USA.
To make your decision easier I want to give you a little impression about who I am.
My name is —, I am 15 years old and a student in the 9th grade right now. I think I am very tolerant, helpful, friendly and cooperative.
I live with my mother and my brother ---- in a flat in — (in the north of Germany), a city about 60,000 inhabitans. We have a really good relationship. Everybody can always tell what’s on his mind. My mother works in a gallery and I am very thankful that she saved her money special for me to make this exchange possible, which is not really easy for a single mother with two older kids. My brother ----whos already 18 lives during the week in a rented small house in — where he goes to the ----College to become a pc-specialist. Sometimes on the weekends he comes home. In my freetime I hang out wiht them or with my friends. Then we watch TV or DVDs, talk,
go to the cinema, sometimes go bowling, go shopping or just hang out. With my friends I also often go to concerts. Furthermore I play the guitar for 2 1/2 years and in February I want to start with the e-guitar, too. I love to hear and to play music. At the moment I especially like Tegan and Sara and indie-music. I also like to play basketball, but I don’t have the time to play it very often. So I would like to do it in the USA, but I am also open for other activies.
In school I was part in a film project, which took 10 months. It was for the 95th birthday of my school and a lot of fun. We could be at almost every school event to film everything. We interviewed other students,alumni and teachers and filmed a fashionshow made out of recycled things from students of the 13th grade and a lot of other things, but the best was the musical "A Midsummer Night’s Dream"­­­­ by Shakespear. The whole atmosphere there was great, but the best was that we stood between all the musicers to film. They were all so different, but got on with each other as good as different they were. The drummer for example when the actors came on the stage everybody clabed his hands and she also, but she different. It looked a kind of weird so you wouldn’t have thought that she had a little feeling for rhythms, but when she started wiht the drums
I was kind of shocked. She did it so perfectly how I never had seen somebody doing it in real before. The guys with the guitars had dreadlocks and the boy with the spotlights was gay. But everything didn’t matter. They just played their music togehter and had fun. I like people so much who are from the first view might a bit weird or strange, but then so really good by doing something or just so nice, just not like everybody.
For 1 1/2 year I thought the first time about doing an exchange and I was so interested in that I read more about the whole thing on the internet and I was sure I want to do this, too. I want to get to know the real „American Way of Live“ not just as an visitor and a lot of different people. I think celebrating a „real“ Halloween, Thanksgiving and an American Christmas will be so exciting. Besides I want get more independent, outgoing and self-confident.
I would aprreciate it so much when you would let me be a part of your family. I know it is not an easy thing to do to let somebody completly strange into your house.
Hope to see you soon.
Yours, —.

DANKE schon mal :]

Hey :slight_smile:
der Brief ist echt gut geworden :] ich hab unten mal ein paar kleinigkeiten verändert, was du vielleicht noch verbessern könntest …
auf jeden fall lernt man durch den Brief schon einiges über dich, ich würde vielleicht den abschnitt über dein filmprojekt& die vielen verschiedenen leute etwas kürzen, sonst kommst du etwas vom thema ab&es wird etwas langwierig :wink:
ich wünsch dir noch alles gute für deine weitere austauschzeit. mit welcher organisation gehst du denn in die USA? :slight_smile:
lg, Lisa

Dear Host Family,

First of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the opportunity to live in the USA for one year.
To make the decision easier for you, I would like to give you a little impression about who I am.
My name is —, I am 15 years old and a student in the 9th grade right now. I think I am very tolerant, helpful, friendly and cooperative.
I live with my mother and my brother ---- in a flat in — (in the north of Germany), a city about 60,000 inhabitans. We have a really good relationship. Everybody can always tell what’s on his mind. My mother works in a gallery and I am very thankful that she saved her money for me to make this exchange possible. During the week, my brother ----, who’s already 18, lives in a small rented house in — where he goes to the ----College to become a pc-specialist. Sometimes at the weekend he comes home. In my freetime I hang out with my family or my friends. Then we watch TV or DVDs, talk,
go to the cinema, sometimes go bowling, go shopping or just hang out. With my friends I also often go to concerts. Furthermore I play the guitar for 2 1/2 years and in February I want to start with the e-guitar, too. I love to listen to and to play music. At the moment I especially like Tegan and Sara and indie-music. I also like to play basketball, but I don’t have time to play it very often. So I would like to do it in the USA, but I am also open for other activities.
At school I was part in a film project, which took 10 months. It was for my school’s 95th birthday and I had a lot of fun. We could be at almost every school event to film everything. We interviewed other students, alumni and teachers and filmed a fashionshow made out of recycled things from students of the 13th grade and a lot of other things, but the best was the musical "A Midsummer Night’s Dream"­­­­ by Shakespear. The whole atmosphere there was great, but the best was that we stood between all the musicians and filmed. They were all so different, but got on with each other very well. For example, when the actors came on the stage everybody clapped their hands and the drummer did it too, but differently. It looked a kind of weird so you wouldn’t have thought that she had a feeling for rhythm, but when she started with the drums,
she did it so perfect. The guys with the guitars had dreadlocks and the boy with the spotlights was gay. But everything didn’t matter. They just played their music togehter and had fun. I like people so much who might be a bit weird or strange at first sight, but then you see that they’re very talented and nice.
For 1 1/2 year I thought of doing an exchange the first time and I was so interested so that I read more about it on the internet. I was sure I wanted to do this, too. I want to get to know the real „American Way of Live“ not just as a visitor and meet a lot of different people. I think celebrating a „real“ Halloween, Thanksgiving and an American Christmas will be so exciting. Besides I want to get more independent, outgoing and self-confident.
I would aprreciate it so much if you would let me be a part of your family. I know it is not an easy thing to do, letting somebody you don’t know into your live, but I would be thankful for such a chance.
Hope to see you soon.
Yours, —.

ich finde auch, dass du den abschnitt über die shcule etwas kürzen solltest. aber ansonsten ist der brief wirklich gut!
liebe grüße :slight_smile: