Letter to Hostfamily! Meinungen, Tipps, Fehler ect.

Hallo zusammen! :grinning:

Ich möchte für ein halbes Jahr nach Neu Seeland und muss dafür ein Brief an meine Hostfamily auf Englisch schreiben. Ich würde mich sehr über eure Meinungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge freuen. Natürlich nehme ich auch gerne Tipps an.

lg und danke vieeeel mals


Dear host family,
I’m really grateful that you’ll give me the chance to learn more about the culture of New Zealand. My greatest wish is to spend a nice year in another country. I’m looking forward to try new things and make experiences. I’m a bite nerves weather all things go well.
I choose New Zealand because I know three people who were one year in New Zealand. They recommended me to go there because they had a good time. They said the people are so friendly and the culture is nice. I think New Zealand has a diversified nature.

My name is Claude Renaux. I’m Swiss and have, as you see on the photos, long brown hair and blue eyes. I’m tall. I’m 17 years old. I live with my family near Basel in Switzerland. I have a sister named Denise. She is two years younger. My relation to my sister is good. We help each other, watch sometimes films and play sports. We have a good family circle. We spend together holidays or do things on the weekend. I don’t go often out in the evening. We have a cat called Cindy. I like cats especially ours.

I’m a very open and friendly person. I’m interested in other cultures and also in politics. I’m creative and like to draw. I’m really active. I’m honest and accurate.

I like to sing and do this in the choir of the school. Beside I have played clarinet since 6 years. One week a year I lead a children camp; I relish this but after one week you need holidays. If the weather is good and I have time I go flying with radio controlled-airplanes. I enjoy to work with my computer and to write mails.
I like to be outside. I snowboard and ski since I’m 4 years old. That’s passion. In the summer I go with my bicycle to school; so I ride my bike for more than 5km every day.

I’m a student. I went till now 10 years to school. I had 4 years English, so I have no problem to speak fluently English, of course with some mistakes. I could speak also French. My mother language is German.
My main subject is physic and math. I’m interested in the subject’s history, geography, physic and English because they are useful and exiting. I don’t like French because of the grammar.
After finishing the school I would like to study architecture.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

Yours sincerely,
Claude Renaux


Wollte auch noch mal nen Kommentar dazu abgeben! ALso ich finds gut gelungen, nur du fängst fast jeden Satz mit I oder I’m an…versuch, das ein bisschen zu reduzieren! :wink:

LG Madde

Also ich wollte an dieser Stelle auch einfach mal meinen hostfamiliy letter hier rein stellen,damit nicht noch zig Threads zu diesem Thema eröffnet werden müssen :wink:
Vllt macht sich ja jemand von euch die Mühe ihn ein bisserl zu korrigieren,weil selber findet man immer so schlecht seine eigenen Fehler :+1:

Und vllt ist dieser Brief ja auch ein Anstoß für weitere AtS??

Dear hostfamily,

I’m very grateful that you accept me as a new member into your home for a couple of months. In this letter I want to tell you something about me and my daily life.
I live together with my mother, my disabled brother called “XY” and my grandfather. We live in a flat in one of Germany’s big cities Munich.
My grandmother died XXX of cancer. My mother “XY” is a single parent and a sole earner. I have a very good relationship to all members of my family and I think it is very important to respect your parents.
I’m growing up very sheltered.
In my leisure time I work as a first-aid attendant and direct a children group in an honorary capacity.
However, one of my most important hobbies is the music. I have played the piano since the fifth year of my life and I have sung in a choir for seven years.
Otherwise I get some exercise: I climb very successfully and I dance every week. I’m also in our volleyball-school team. Last month we won a first price in a national competition.
When I am with a friend of mine on holidays we always do some surfing practice. And I like staying outside and combine it with my passion swimming and ……
So you see I’m a sporty and active person.
I always have to feed me well and healthy and avoid being undernourished. That’s why I enjoy eating vegetables and fruits.
This is also the reason why I couldn’t adjust to a home where other smoke.
I go to a private Catholic grammar school, where only girls can go. But in fact I’m a Protestant. It doesn’t matter that my classmates have another religion than I have, because my mother has brought me up to be tolerant.
I’m a student in the 10th grade at school right now.
My teachers say that I’m a really studious, motivated and well-mannered student. I’m curious about learning more about other cultures and languages.
This high school year abroad will be a big chance for me to learn more about the USA.
When I went to the grammar school I started learning English. I enjoy this language very much and I think it is one of the most amazing languages in the world, but you can make out my German accent of course. I’m always bothered to learn new words and vocabulary. My mother tongue is German; also I learn Latin and speak Italian, but of course with some mistakes. My main school subjects are music, maths and physical education. There are many subjects I interested in. Some of my favourite subjects are history, social studies and geography.
After finishing school I would like to go to university.
There are so many things I want to know about the American culture and politics.
It will be of course a difference between my life in Germany/Europe and the well-known “American way of life”.
I’m so excited to learn American traditions, for example Halloween or Thanksgiving.
But I will also try to explain European history and celebrations to you, e.g. the Bavarian “Oktoberfest” or “Almabtrieb”.
And I want to try typical American sport, e.g. Cheerleading or something else.
It is important to me that you handle me not like a guest, but also like a real family member.
I will do my best and I thing that we can learn many things of each other.

I’m so excited to meet you.

Dankeschöön schon mal,…

und jepp:

„thing“-war ein Tippfehler
also vielen Dank nochmals für deine Mühe-vllt erbarmen sich ja noch einige zur Korrektur:+1:

Ich gebe kurz auch meinen Kommentar dazu. Denn ich war sehr froh über den Kommentar an meinem Hostfamily letter und glaube du wirst dich auch über jeden Tipp und Vorschlag freuen.

Hallo erst mal.
(Das nächste mal verwende deinen Vornamen dann ist ein bisschen persönlicher, hab ich lieber, but anyway) :grinning:

Dein Hostfamily letter gefällt mir an Fehler habe ich nichts aus zu setzen. Den Anfang finde ich gut. Aber den würde ich zuerst deinen Namen und Alter… kurze Zusammenfassung von dir geben.

Etwas anderes ich würde nicht machen los dich beschreiben, obwohl ich auch zuerst überlegen musste was ich schreibe ich finde es genügt schon zu schreiben das du ein bisschen nerveuse bis ob alles gut geht.

My teachers say that I’m a really studious, motivated and well-mannered student.
Dieser Satz finde ich irgendwie dumm. vielleicht lieg es auch nur am really aber finde ihn ich so gut.

And I like staying outside and combine it with my passion swimming and …… ich würde keine solche Punkte machen. Schreibe es ruhig aus.

Schreib noch in welcher Klasse du bist.

Mir gefällt was du dort kenne lernen möchtest und was du ihnen zeigen wirst.

Dein Brief ist sehr gut, du könntest in so abschicken. Jetzt kommt nur noch die Verbesserung des letzten ein Prozent. :+1:

lg Claude

Ps vergiss nicht danke zu sagen für die Verbesserungen. (Ich hab’s nicht bei allen gemacht, leider; einfach verpatzt.)

ps wieso willst du in die USA? und mit welche Org?
Mich würde noch interessieren was du tanzt? Könntest du auch noch schreiben.
ich sehe du bist sehr aktive wie ich auch.

Ok ich habe noch ne Mathematiktest und sollte mal gehen. Sorry für allfällige Fehler in meinem Text.
Kannst mir auch ein Mail schreiben damit du schneller eine Antwort erhältst. freu mich über jedes Mail, brauch oft zu viel zeit um zu mailen. Kannst mir allenfalls über das Kontaktformular ein Mail schreiben.

Hey, dein Text ist echt gut. ich bin auch gerade dabei und weiß, wie anstrengend das ist:grinning:. Wenn du nach Neu Seeland gehst, musst du auch vacations sagen anstatt holidays. Nur so n Tipp:wink:

Hallo zusammen!
also, ich muss sagen, dass ich beide briefe ziemlich gut finde!!!
Ich schreibe gerade auch an einem, und hab mir ein paar Anregungen von euch genommen. Außerdem fand ich das gaaaaanz super, dass ihr sie korrigiert habt, deshalb wollt ich gerne eure erfahrende meinung (auch) zu meinem brief hören!!!
ihr würdet mir echt sehr sehr doll damit helfen, da ich das ganze am Montag schon abschicken muss!ich wäre euch für eure hilfe sehr sehr dankbar!!!

Dear host family,

First of all, I want to say thank you, because you give me the chance to spend a year with you. We don’t know each other yet and because of that, I’ll try to describe me, my life in Germany and I want to tell you why I want to live a year in a different country. I really think that it’s great to get to know a different country, its culture and its people. It would be great to learn all these things by an American family. Since last year, it is a big dream of mine to spend a year abroad, because I was very excited to learn more about other cultures and countries. First I didn’t know where I should spend my year abroad, but a friend recommended it after she spent her high school year there. So, I choose the USA and now I would really like to learn about special American traditions, for example Halloween or Thanksgiving. Here, America is known as the “Country of the boundless possibilities” and because of that, I’m looking forward trying out new things, get to know the “American way of life” and also to have unforgettable impressions. But I’m also nervous whether everything is going well.

So, now I’ll tell you about my daily life. My name is Lara Düvel and I have short blond hair, glasses, blue eyes and I’m about 180cm tall. I’m 15 years old, but when I come to the USA I’ll be 16, and I live with my family in Dingden, which is a small village about 100km in the west of Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia). My Dad Heinz, my Mum Gaby, my younger sister Uta (12) and my brother Volker (21) are very important for me and we have a really good relationship. Of course, we argue sometimes, but we had experiences which gave us a good togetherness. We spend our holidays in Austria and we sometimes do trips. Especially in the holidays, we undertake a lot together, because my parents are teacher and because of that we have time to do that. I spend most of my free time with friends: we chat, watch movies, cook, undertake trips and do things teenagers do. Once a week, I play transverse flute and I do aerobic. I play volleyball twice a week and when it’s warm outside I meet friends to play beach volleyball with them or we go into the open air bath. But I also enjoy reading, designing and surfing on the internet.
It would make me happy to play volleyball during my year abroad, but I’m also interested in doing typical American activities.

I’m an open-minded, responsible and self-contained girl who represents her opinion.

I’m a student in grade 10 and I visit the Mariengymnasium in Bocholt. My favorite subjects are Biology, History and German. I’ve been learning English for 5 years now and I can speak it nearly fluently and I have nearly no problems to understand it, but I do some grammar mistakes sometimes. My second foreign language is French and I’ve been learning it for 3 years and, of course, my mother tongue is German. I think that my high school year abroad will be a big chance to learn very much about the USA, about me and a very positive side-effect will be an improvement of my English. After my high school year abroad, I’ll go on visiting school and after I have my “Abitur”, I want to do a “AUSBILDUNG” and go to university after it, but I’m not sure what I want to do. For me, it’s sure, that I want to do something creative.

It is important to me that you handle me not like a guest, but like a real family member after we got to know each other better.
I will do my best to make this year nice for both of us and I think that we can learn many things of each other, but I couldn’t accept a family where somebody smokes. That’s because, I get health problems.

I’m looking forward getting to know you,
Best regrets,

Lara Düvel

DANKE fürs helfen
PS: ich muss zu dem brief sagen, dass da bestimmt noch fehler drin sind (word korrigiert ja nicht alles :confounded:) Gaaanz sicher ist noch nicht sooo dolle, aber wenn euch was einfällt! dann schreibt es unbedingt rein! DANKE DANKE DANKE

erstmal, keine Garantie fürs Richtigkeit (hört sich das Wort doof an), mag daran liegen, dass ich vollkommen unausgeschlafen bin…ich mach Verbesserungen mal mit eckigen Klammern rein:

Dear host family,

First of all, I want to say thank you, because you give me the chance to spend a year with you. We don’t know each other yet and because of that, I’ll try to describe [myself], [I am from] Germany and I want to [explain] you why [I like to spend] a year in a different country. I [] think [it is a great experience to go abroad for on year and to learn new things about a] different country, its culture and its people. It would be great to learn all these things, [staying in] an American family. Since last year, [I had this] dream [], because I [am] very excited to learn more about other cultures and countries. First I didn’t know where [to] spend my year abroad, but a friend recommended [the USA] after she spent her high school year there. So, I choose the USA and now I [am looking forward] to learn about special American traditions, for example Halloween or Thanksgiving. Here, America is known as the “Country of the boundless possibilities” and because of that, [I am really excited to do] new things, get to know the “American way of life” and also to have unforgettable impressions. But I’m also nervous whether everything is going well.

So, now I’ll tell you about my daily life. My name is Lara Düvel and I have short blond hair, glasses, blue eyes and I’m about 180cm [rechne das mal in feet um, in den USA herrschen andere Masseinheiten =)] tall. I’m 15 years old, but when I come to the USA I’ll be 16, and I live with my family in Dingden, which is a small village about 100km [?? vll. auch besser in miles] in the west of Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia). My Dad Heinz, my Mum Gaby, my younger sister Uta (12) and my brother Volker (21) are very important for me and we have a really good relationship. Of course, we argue sometimes, but we had experiences which gave us a good togetherness. We spend our holidays in Austria and we sometimes [make] trips. Especially in the holidays, we undertake a lot together, because my parents are teacher and [so] we have [enough] time to do that. I spend most of my free time with friends: we chat, watch movies, cook, undertake trips and do things teenagers do. Once a week, I play transverse flute and I do aerobic. I play volleyball twice a week and when it’s warm outside I meet friends to play beach volleyball with them or we go into the open air bath. But I also enjoy reading, designing and surfing [the Internet].
It would make me happy to play volleyball during my [exchange year], but I’m also interested in doing typical American activities.

I’m an open-minded, responsible and self-contained girl who represents her opinion.

I’m a student in [the 10th grade] and I [go to] the Mariengymnasium in Bocholt. My favorite subjects are Biology, History and German. I’ve been learning English for 5 years now and I can speak it nearly fluently and I have nearly no problems to understand it, but [sometimes] I [make] grammar mistakes. My second foreign language is French and I’ve been learning it for 3 years and, of course, my mother tongue is German. I think that my high school year [] will be a big chance to learn [more] about the USA, about [myself] and a very positive side-effect will be an improvement of my English. After my high school year [], I’ll [finish] school and [then start] a “AUSBILDUNG” and go to university after it, but I’m not sure what I want to [study]. For me, it’s sure, that I want to do something creative.

It is important [for] me that you handle me not like a guest, but like a real family member after we get to know each other better.
I will do my best to make this year [great] for both of us and I think that we can learn many things of each other, but I couldn’t accept a family where somebody smokes. That’s because, I get health problems.

I’m looking forward getting to know you,
Best regrets,

Lara Düvel

so dala, also wie gesagt, die Verbesserung steht in eckigen Klammern im Text…schau einfach was dir gefällt und was deiner Meinung nach besser\richtig ist und übernimm das =D…viel Spass noch

ach ja, ich fand den Brief recht gut geschrieben :wink:


Hey, cool! Danke, dass du dir das Durchgelesen hast! find ich voll net :grinning:
ich hab mir noch nicht alles durchgesehen, mach aber jetzt gleich sofort, wollte mich erstmal bedanken! Zu der Richtigkeit, wird wohl stimmen-> bist ja experte =))
bis dahin