Letter an die host family

Hey =) hab hhier mal den ersten entwurf von meinem letter an die host family für meine application forms… wär echt nett wenn da mal kurz einer drüber schauen könnte =)

Dear host family,

First of all, I really want to thank you for reading my letter.
My name is Katharina Bibinger and I’m 14 years old at the moment. My birthday is on the 7th of April. I live in a really small village which is called Friolzheim. It’s in the southwest of Germany. I like living in a village because it’s not so hectic like living in a big city. I can also drive to the nearer towns with bus and can go shopping or to the cinema. That’s what I do often at the weekends, sometimes with my friends and sometimes with my family.
In school I’ve got a lot of friends an I think it will be hard to leave them such a long time but I’m sure I can handle it. With my friends I can always have fun an we laugh a lot.
After school I go home by bus, so I’m at home at 1.30 pm. When I’m at home, I eat something my mother cook. After eating I do my homework and do other things for school. Then I do things with my friends or something on my computer.
At three days in the week I have also school in the afternoon. Then I eat in our cafeteria and do homework at school. When I come home after this schooldays I’m very tired and only relax.
I live at a house with my mum, my dad and my sister. The relationship to my parents is very good. I love them a lot and they are really wonderfull. My sister and I often argue but I think thats normal between sisters and I love her, too.
In the U.S.A. I would want to try a American sport, or a sport which you can’t do here in Germany.

Now, I want to write about my motivation to live a half year in the U.S.A. . First of all, of course, I want to perfect my English. But it’s not only this. I also want to learn everything about the American way of life. I want to be a real part of the family and culture. I think I could not only get better in English, but I can also learn much about myself and can get more self-confident.

Love, Katharina

Hallöchen :grinning:
hab iwie spaß dran, texte zu verbessern, also hab ich mal über deinen brief drübergelesen ;]
der brief ist ja shconmal gut geworden. =)
naja ich würd jetzt nur son paar kleinere sachen verbessern … see below.

Dear host family,

First of all, I really want to thank you for reading my letter.
My name is Katharina Bibinger and I’m 14 years old at the moment. My birthday is on the 7th of April. I live in a really small village which is called Friolzheim. It’s in the southwest of Germany. I like living in a village because it’s not so hectic like living in a big city. I can also drive to the nearer towns by bus and can go shopping or to the cinema. That’s what I often do at the weekends, sometimes with my friends and sometimes with my family.
At school I’ve got a lot of friends. I think it will be hard to leave them for such a long time but I’m sure I can handle it. With my friends I always have fun an we laugh a lot.
After school I go home by bus, so that I’m at home at 1.30 pm. When I’m at home, I eat something my mother has cooked. After lunch I do my homework and all the other things for school. Then I meet my friends or do something at my computer.
Three days a week I also have school in the afternoon. Then I eat in our school cafeteria and do my homework at school. When I come home after these schooldays I’m very tired and only relax.
I live in a house with my mum, my dad and my sister. The relationship with my parents is very good. I love them a lot and they are really wonderful. My sister and I often argue but I think that’s normal between sisters and I love her, too.
In the USA I would like to try an American sport, or a sport which you can’t do here in Germany.

Now, I want to tell you about my motivation to live half a year in the USA. First of all, of course, I want to improve my English. But that’s not the only thing. I also want to learn everything about the American way of life. I want to be a real part of the family and culture. I think I could not only get better in English, but I can also learn much about myself and get more self-confident.

Love, Katharina

joaa. am ende würd ich vielleicht nochmal hinzufügen, dass du deiner potenziellen host family sehr dankbar bist, dass sie bereit ist dir so eine chance zu geben &dir dieses jahr zu ermöglichen. :wink:

Lg, Lisa

boah des is voll nett dass du dir soviel mühe gemacht hast =)
danke, war ja auch eigentlich irgendwie logisch (also die fehler xD)


ist ja schon mal ganz gut geworden:) ich würde aber trotzdem noch etwas mehr zu dir schreiben. Was sind deine Stärken und Schwächen? Was machst du gerne oder in deiner freizeit?

Ich fürchte, deine Ratschläge kommen ein bisschen spät und du wirst keine Antwort mehr bekommen. Der Brief ist fast fünf Jahre alt und die Schreiberin ist wohl seit mehr als drei Jahren schon wieder aus ihrem Austauschjahr zurück! :grinning:

oh ja danke für den hinweis… :smiley: