ICX host family letter- irgendwelche felher, ergänzungen oder verbesserungsvorschläge?

Dear host family,

I’m really happy that I will get the chance to spend a half year in America. Since two years I hope that I will go to America and now this dream comes true. I’m so grateful.
In this letter I want to tell you something about myself, my family and my daily life.

My name is Jennifer Hoffmann and I’m 15 years old, but only after a few days in America I will become 16 years. Since three years I live in a village, which is called Windheim. Windheim is in the north of the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia. Our hometown has round about 1500 inhabitants. The first twelve years of my life I lived with my parents in Rosenhagen. This is a very small village with only round about 300 inhabitants. I have got no brother or sister, but in the USA I want to know how it is to live in a family with other children. Three years ago my parents got divorced and I moved with my mother to Windheim. It was alright for me because Rosenhagen is only five kilometers off our new hometown and for that reason I can see my father whenever I want. On the whole I like the life in a village because I grew up with much nature around myself. Nevertheless I want to know the daily life in a small town or even a bigger town. Therefore I hope that you live in a town, therewith I have the change to become acquainted with the life in a town. My family is evangelical, but we don’t go to church very often.

I’m a student in the 10th grade and visit the Gymnasium Petershagen. I really like to go to school because I can see my friends and most of our lessons are strict and with much fun at the same time. I’ve started learning English in the 5th grade and Latin in the 7th grade. I think now my English is good enough to do the exchange in the USA. Most time I speak English fluently, of course with some mistakes, but certainly it will get better, when I’m a few weeks in America. There I want to improve my English.
My favorite subjects are art and German because I like drawing and being creative.
Usually my school is over at 13.30, but Mondays I have nine lessons because of homework done under supervision at my school. There I supervise and help younger students from the 5th to 7th grade at doing their homework. I enjoy that very much. After finishing school I would like to go to university, but I don’t know which subject to study at the moment.

When the school is over, I meet my friends or do sport. I like to spend my free time with my friends because we always have got a lot of fun. Then we talk a lot, do sport together or go to the cinema. Thursdays I play Volleyball at SV Frille-Wietersheim with my friend Laura. I’m there since March because previously I’ve done taekwondo at ASC Pollhagen-Nordsehl. I’ve done combat sport for nearly nine years and I have got the brown belt. I’ve stopped doing this because I wanted to try something new after so many years. Laura told me about the club, where she plays volleyball and I thought it could be interesting. So I tried it and noticed that it is the right sport and now I’m there since nearly nine months. If I don’t do any of these things in my free time, I spend my daily life with my mother or my father.

In September of this year I participated in a one-week exchange to England. Many students of my parallel classes did it, too. It was interesting to get first impressions to live in a host family and we’ve seen many famous sights of England, for example the Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace or Stonehenge. I love to be in another country and to become acquainted with the differences of another culture. Every summer my mother or my father and I have vacation in another country. For example we’ve been to Scotland, Thailand, Turkey, Egypt and Cuba. In addition my father and I go skiing and snowboarding every winter. I’ve started skiing at the age of five and when I was twelve I’ve started snowboarding. I preferred the snowboard and since that time I’ve never stood at skis again. I don’t know if I still be able to do skiing now.

I think that I’m open-minded, adaptable and responsible. Sometimes I’m a little bit shy, when I meet unknowing people, but after a little while it isn’t like that anymore.

I want to know more about your daily life and your culture because I’m very interested in your county. When I’m in the USA, I want to become more self-confident and try new things. Furthermore I’m looking forward to making many experiences for my life and meeting new people. Nevertheless I’m a little bit nervous when I think about a half year in a strange country and I hope most things will go well. But all in all I’m so happy to go there and the fact that I will shift for myself energizes me to do the exchange.

I hope we will learn many things from each other. I’m looking forward to get to know you,

Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Hoffmann

→ was meint ihr dazu? ist das zu kurz oder zu lang? habe ich irgendwas vergessen?

Ich finde diesen Brief sehr gut gelungen.
Kann dir bei der Grammatik oder so leider nicht sagen ob sie falsch oder richtig ist xDD

Aber was du vllt. hinzufügen kannst.
sind fragen die du an sie hast.
denn was solln sie denn darauf antworten xD ?
stell einfach ab und zu noch ein paar fragen (;
was es dort für activities gibt oder so ?

Ich hoffe dass ich dir ein wenig helfen konnte.

Lg Julia

Oh ja, der brief ist wirklich sehr gut gelungen … :wink:

grammatik sieht auch alles ganz super aus … :slight_smile:

aber der brief ist doch nicht dafür gedacht dass die hostfam darauf antwortet oder?! :open_mouth:
der ist doch nur damit sie dich kennenlernen …?!

also ich hab ihn zumindest auch ohne fragen abgeschickt und bis jetzt gabs keine probleme ;D

im übrigen: cool dass du mit icx fährst :slight_smile: aber nur ein halbes jahr, ne?!

also so weit ich das verstanden habe ist das nur so eine Art Bewerbung :slight_smile:
ich denke mal da kommt es nicht so auf die Fragen an.
ich hab trotzdem noch einiges geändert…noch nen bisschen was über meine Eltern geschrieben und von einer englischsprachigen Person kontrollieren lassen…
ich schicke den jetzt denke ich ab
wünscht mir Glück ;D

ist das denn schwierig dort angenommen zu werden? ^^