Hostfamily Letter bei STS (bitte schnelle antworten) :)

Könntet ihr villeicht euch den Brief von mir mal angucken und mir Korrektur vorschläge geben?. Gerne können mir auch leute die bereits mit STS ins Ausland gegangen sind mir sagen ob das nun genug sei und wie Streng das gehalten wird ( Natürlich auch welche die mit anderen organisationen gefahren sind) Danke schonmal im vorraus :grinning:

Dear Host Family,

First of all I want to thank you for spend some Time to read my letter and just thinking about hosting me for one year. I’m very pry to discover a new country meet new people and speak a different language and it’s great from you to give me the opportunity to do all this things. In the following letter I want to tell you something about me, my Family and my Friends. I hope that you know after you have been read this Text why I want to go abroad and why I choose Canada as my Favorite Country.
My name is Carlo I’m from Germany, Hamburg. I’m a 15 year old boy but when I’ll be 16 years old (my birthday is at the 9th of august). My parents living apart so I’m sometimes at my Fathers place and sometimes at my Mothers. I have a seventeen year old Brother we understand us very well that’s why we do lots of things together and like the same things. I live in Hamburg the second largest city of Germany. My Mother is an ecotrophologist that’s a food scientist and my Father is an Architect. I have a good relationship to my Family that’s why we often spend time together and help each other. But I have also a good relationship to all my relatives that’s why we travel every year together.
I’m going to a secondary school called Emilie-Wüstenfeld-Gymnasium. I’m in the 10thgrade Most times I have school until 14.30, my favorites subjects are French, English and sport. I love the English language and I enjoy speaking it. Sometimes I make mistakes and I don’t understand everything but I think when I will come to Canada I will improve my English. After the school I will make my Abitur and going to study Language to get a Teacher. My wish to get a Teacher is developed from the idea to do something with Language and Sport. And with these two conditions I notice that a teacher would be the perfect Job for me.I have many good Friends and some very good Friends the most of them I know since I get on the secondary school. My daily routine is very simple I go every day at 8:00 to the school after that I sometimes visit friends or make sport with Friends But there are also some of my Friends who I know since I was very Young they are my best Friends and. I do lots of things with them for Example go to cinema or speak with them about our problems. My Hobbies are every type of Sport. I like to learn new sports and practice them. But I also read very much (especially Fantasy books) and play often board games and chess Another Hobby of mine is listening to music or only Relax with Friends. The main reason why I want to go to Canada is that I dream since I was 11 to stay a long time in Canada. I also want to meet new People and discover the Canadian traditions Another Big reason is that many people who already traveled to Canada only say that it is an impressive Country this was also a great influence in my decision. Another important reason for my decision was the Language. I also thought to go to the USA but I decided Canada because of the Landscape.
I want to make an exchange year, because I’m very interested in other cultures and I love to travel. When I’m grown up I want to travel all around the world and learn as much languages as I can.
It won’t be easy for me to leave my friends and family but I’m still so excited to meet you and I think that we can learn many things from each other. I’m an open-mind person, love it to meet new people and I laugh very much.
I will know Canada better and I hope you can help me! I will do my best to make this year nice for both of us and I think that we can learn many things of each other.

I’m looking forward to meet you
Yours sincerely
Carlo Sieben

Also ich kenn mich mit den Regelungen der Orgas zwar nicht aus,
aber dein Brief hört sich gut an :slight_smile:

Du solltest nur darauf achten, dass du alles außer Eigen- und Ländernamen klein schreibst.
Vielleicht kannst du ja auch einfach deinen Englischlehrer bitten, mal drüber zuschauen, ob irgendwelche schwerwiegenden Fehler drin sind:wink:

LG Theresa

Hey :slight_smile:

Also ich bin auch gerade dabei meinen Brief für die Gastfamilie zu schreiben.
Ich finde das hört sich schon richtig gut an. Allerdings hieß es bei mir dass man keine persönlichen Daten wie Nachname und Adresse angeben soll, wegen dem Datenschutz. Der Brief wird sowohl an Gastfamilien als auch Schulen geschickt. Deshalb würde ich HAMBURG entweder ganz herausstreichen oder nur hinzufügen dass du aus einer größeren stadt kommst :slight_smile:
Ansonsten echt gut :slight_smile:

LG Annika

Okay danke euch beiden :slight_smile: und auch für die schnelle antwort das hilft mir sehr

Okay danke euch beiden :slight_smile: und auch für die schnelle antwort das hilft mir sehr

Inhaltlich finde ich den Text gut. Wie die anderen schon geschrieben haben, solltest du dabei auf den Datenschutz achten.

Im Text sind allerdings sehr viele Fehler, nicht nur die Groß- und Kleinschreibung, sondern viele verschiedene Dinge. Die Gastfamilie wird den Text aber sicher irgendwie verstehen. Wenn du magst, kannst du den Text ja nochmal zusammen mit deinem Englischlehrer durchgehen.