hostfamily brief ich hab stunden gebraucht bitte um verbesserungen

Dear hostfamily ,

first of all I would like to tell you that I am so thankful that you decided to receive me in your family for almost a year.
I can´t wait to meet you, get to know you and share experiences with you.
I decided to do one year abroad because i really want to get to know the american way of life(school,family,culture)because i only know it from movies and friends.
It has always been my dream to go to an american highschool and live in an american family.
with this letter i would like to introduce myself to you so you can get to know me a little bit already.

My name is Talitha and I am 16 years old I was born on june 14th 1992 in hawaii
but actually I can´t remeber it anymore because we moved back to europe as I was about 3 month old and I have never been to the USA again.
Now I live in a pretty big city in Germany called Hamburg. I live here with my mother Almuth(49), my older sister Christiana(20)and two dogs called django and balou. My dad lives in Brazil but I visit him sometimes. When i am in brazil i love to surf (i just started to learn it) and i like to hangout on the beach with my friends I love the sun.
My family is very important to me they always stand behind me when i need them.
I have a very good relation to my sister. She is very warmhearted and we always help eachother and my mom is very active, funny and warmhearted as well.
I am very independent and mature for my age because my mother raised us two kids alone , i learned with about 9 years how to cook, keep the house clean and take care of myself.
I am a very outgoing person and love to meet new friends and different cultures especially the american one.
I can´t wait to live in an american family, go to an american highschool and meet lots of american people.
My passion is singing I sing since i am three years old I am taking vocal coaching since I am 11 and i am dancing, too. I like nearly every kind of music but especially soul and Rn´b.
In dancing I even won prices like the german championship or the 4th place worldchampionship I started to dance with about seven.
For me it is sometimes difficult to manage all my different hobbies, interests and school work. There are so many activities, I would like to try.
since I am in Germany there is no way to hang out on a beach so I love to just hang out with my friends meet them at the mall or just do funny stuff hang out in a park or sing and dance because lots of my friends are part of this youth club it is a club where you can learn how to sing(in a choir),dance or act which is very fun and it includes lots of different cultures most of them are afro-germans.
My friends describe me as a friendly, funny and cooperative person with whom they can do many things they maybe wouldn’t do with other people. They can trust me and talk about problems, without feeling stupid. My friends are very important to me, because I can have fun and exchange opinions and experiences with them.
My school is very nice I am not good at maths I have to tell though. My favourite subjects are spanish, english, sports and history i have no problem with my classmates and come along with almost everyone at my school but my school is not as big as an american high school
our school has about 900 students which is still very nice.
I hope you could get to know me a little bit. I bet we will enjoy our time. I am looking forward to meet my new family.

warm regards,

hab mir wochen den kopf zerbrochen wie und was ich schreibe naja ich hoffe ich habs jetzt geschafft ich bitte um eure rückmeldung
danke schon mal

jaa, das gefaellt mir echt gut :grinning: da sind nur ein paar woerter drin, die man so im englischen glaub ich nicht benutzt bzw nur selten…ich habs hier zumindest noch nich so gehoert :grin: aalso, mein vorschlag fuer den ersten abschnitt:

first of all I want to tell you how pleased I am that you decided to host me for such a long time.
I cannot wait to meet you, get to know you and share new experiences.
I decided to do one year abroad in the usa (warum moechtest du denn ueberhaupt ins ausland waehrend der schulzeit? hast du schon plaene fuer nach dem abitur?) because i really want to get to know the american way of life(school,family,culture). I only know it from films and friends who have been there on holiday.
It has always been my dream to go to an american highschool and live in an american family (was gefaellt dir daran so gut? die mentalitaet, einstellung, der tagesablauf? hast du schon erwartungen?).
In this letter i already want to introduce myself a little you so you can get to know me a bit ( / so you can get a first impression of me- hopefully a good one).

die family wird dich bestimmt lieben! haha, man hoert in deinem brief echt shcon, wie sehr du das willst. :grinning: bei dem teil mit alleinerziehender mutter wuerde ich vielleicht noch was hinzufuegen, weil das so vielleicht so klingen wuerde, als wenn deine mutter sich nicht angemessen um dich kuemmert. ich weiss nicht, was amerikaner so von scheidungen halten oder ob das so wie hier ist… :face_with_monocle:
viel erfolg weiterhin :wink:

du hast mir echt weiter geholfen deine verbeserung lass ich auf jedenfall in meinen brief einfließen und also meine mutter hat mich alleinerzogen und ich find es garnich schlimm natürlich hat sie sich auch gut um uns gekümmert heheh aber stimmt klingt etwas komisch wie ich es geschrieben hab
vielen vielen dank nochmal

Dear hostfamily,
first of all I want to tell you how pleased I am that you decided to host me for such a long time.
I cannot wait to meet you, get to know you and share new experiences with you.
I decided to do one year abroad in the usa because i really think it´s worth it to spend one year of your live in a different country you can learn things for your whole life and I really want to get to know the american way of life(school,family,culture). I only know it from films and friends who have been there on holiday.It has always been my dream to go to an american highschool and live in an american family because i think the menthality is great and it is kind of like mine.
In this letter i already want to introduce myself a little bit so you can get a first impression of me- hopefully a good one.

My name is Talitha and I am 16 years old I was born on june 14th 1992 in hawaii
but actually I can´t remeber it anymore because we moved back to europe as I was about 3 month old and I have never been to the USA again.
Now I live in a pretty big city in Germany called Hamburg. I live here with my mother Almuth(49), my older sister Christiana(20)and two dogs called django and balou. My dad lives in Brazil but I visit him sometimes. When i am in brazil i love to surf (i just started to learn it) and i like to hangout on the beach with my friends I love the sun.
My family is very important to me they always stand behind me when i need them.
I have a very good relation to my sister. She is very warmhearted and we always help eachother. My mom is very active, creative, funny and very warmhearted as well I love her for that.
I am very independent and mature for my age because my mother raised us two kids alone , i learned with about 9 years how to cook, keep the house clean and take care of myself which is very good I think because I have already learned things which kids in my age don´t even know about.
I am a very outgoing person and love to meet new friends and different cultures especially the american one.I can´t wait to live in an american family, go to an american highschool and meet lots of american people.My passion is singing I sing since i am three years old I am taking vocal coaching since I am 11 and i am dancing, too. I like nearly every kind of music but especially soul and Rn´b.
In dancing I even won prices like the german championship or the 4th place worldchampionship I started to dance with about seven.
For me it is sometimes difficult to manage all my different hobbies, interests and school work. There are so many activities, I would like to try.
since I am in Germany there is no way to hang out on a beach so I love to just hang out with my friends meet them at the mall or just do funny stuff hang out in a park or sing and dance because lots of my friends are part of this youth club it is a club where you can learn how to sing(in a choir),dance or act which is very fun and it includes lots of different cultures most of them are afro-germans. My friends describe me as a friendly, funny and cooperative person with whom they can do many things they maybe wouldn’t do with other people. They can trust me and talk about problems, without feeling stupid. My friends are very important to me, because I can have fun and exchange opinions and experiences with them.
My school is very nice I am not good at maths I have to tell though. My favourite subjects are spanish, english, sports and history i have no problem with my classmates and come along with almost everyone at my school but my school is not as big as an american high school
our school has about 900 students which is still very nice.
I hope you could get to know me a little bit. I bet we will enjoy our time. I am looking forward to meet my new family.

warm regards,

für meinen hab ich auch lange gebraucht, hab ihn aber immer wieder von meiner englischlehrerin verbessern lassen.
Tu das auch, ist ne Sicherheit…
also das wäre meine empfehlung.

hey! :grinning:

ich finde, du zeigst in dem brief gut, wie du lebst, was dein leben ausmacht und was dir wichtig ist. aber ich würd vielleicht noch n bissel mehr über dich als person schreiben, wie du so bist, auch die negativen eigenschaften… dann würde ich auch nochn bisschen detailierter darauf eingehen, warum du das genau machen willst und was du für erwartungen an dein austauschjahr stellst.
von der sprache her is die idee mit der englischlehrerin glaub ich ganz gut…
ich find den brief auf jeden fall gut gelungen. das war bestimmt viel arbeit. ich weiß auch noch gar nich was ich in meinen reinschr soll, gottogott :confounded:

… du bist deutsche tanzmeisterin?!- wie cool :+1:


also ich finde den brief sehr sehr gut^^

also ich stehe vor dem sleben problem und weiß nicht weiter^^

was ich dir noch sagen wollte schreib auch ien paar negative sachen über dich rein admit das ganze natürlicher und auch menschlicher wirkt denn jeder von nus hat fehler und die zuzugeben hilft einem manchmal sehr ander besser zu verstehen^^

aja und es ehißt i´m looking forward to meeting^^ you also die ing form nicht vergessen

ich hoffe ich konnte dir ein wenig weiterhelfen^^

ich wünsche dir viel spaß in amerika

glg oli​:heart::grin::wink: