Host Family Letter

Ich weiß ich bin schon ganz spät dran :/,aber ich würde mich über Verbesserungsvorschläge sehr freuen. Auch nur kurze Bemerkungen würden mir sehr weiterhelfen. Ich bedanke mich jetzt schon sehr herzlich. Danke :slight_smile:

Dear Host Family,

first of all i want to thank you very much, that you give me the chance to become an exchange student and take a part in your daily life.

It is my greatest wish to spend a year in the ‚‚country of boundless possibilities‘‘, how is America known in Germany. I have choosen the United States, because i want to go in an American High School, get to know the culture, tradition[s] and [live] the ‚‚American Way of Life‘‘. I am looking forward to try new things, for example i would like to play the national sport American Football. [But i am open to all new things.]

Now i will tell you something about me, my family and my daily life. My name is Patrick, I am 15 years old, but when i come to the USA i will be 16. How you can see on the pictures I have brown eyes, brown hair and I’m 5,9 feet tall. I am a student of 9th grade and visit a [acadamic high school oder secundary high school ?] in my home town. I was born and raised in Germany, but my parents Stefan and Katarina come from Slovakia. So i grown up with two diffrent cultures, that means i speak 2 diffrent languages almost perfect. My sister Kristin is 4 years younger than me and visit the same school [as me.]

After school my sister and me are alone at home so i must look after her. I often help her with homework or sometimes we cook together, i also must be independent. But i help in household, too, like make wash up or clean up the house. My fahter works in Radium in the area elecrical optics and my mother in Voss in the area controlling. What us keep together are our tours and holidays [which] we spend together.

I have friends in my home town and a neighbor town, we spend lot of time together, like in the Summer we make bicycle tours and go swimming. Sport is my greatest hobby, because i participate lot of sports. When the weather is good i often play badminton and speedminton with my family. In the basement of our house we have a ping – pong table, my father and me play almost every day. But my favorite sport which i play for many years is soccer. My friends and me get one’s inspiration from the World Championship. I am really excited to try new sports.
Friends and people who know me say I’m confident, open-minded and very helpful.

Finally i want to thank you again that you welcoming me to your home and to spend[ing] in the United States.

Best regards,


Ich habs jz einfach nochmal reinkopiert und alles was mir so aufgefallen is verbessert :slight_smile:
(du hast „I“ immer klein geschrieben^^) und am Schluss weiß ich nicht wirklich was du da gemeint hast, mit to spend in the United States…
Aber sonst find ich ihn gut, obwohl du noch ein bisschen mehr auf deine Persönlichkeit eingehen könntest, und vielleicht ein bisschen weniger über Sport :wink:

Dear Host Family,

first of all i want to thank you very much, for giving me the chance of becoming an exchange student and for allowing me to take part on your daily life.

It is my greatest wish to spend a year in the ‚‚country of boundless possibilities‘‘, how is America known in Germany. I have choosen the United States, because I want to go to an American High School, get to know the culture, traditions and (live)the ‚‚American Way of Life‘‘. I am looking forward to try out new things, for example i would like to play the national sport American Football. [But i am open to all new things.]

Now I will tell you something about me, my family and my daily life. My name is Patrick, I am 15 years old, but the time I’ll go the USA I will be 16. How you can see on the pictures, I have brown eyes, brown hair and I’m 5,9 feet tall. I am a student of 9th grade and visit the secondary school (so habs ich geschrieben) in my home town. I was born and raised up in Germany, but my parents Stefan and Katarina come from Slovakia. So I’ve grown up with two diffrent cultures, that means i speak 2 diffrent languages almost perfect. My sister Kristin is 4 years younger than me and visits the same school as me.

After school my sister and I are alone at home so I have to look after her. I often help her with her homework or sometimes we cook together, I must be independent. Besides, I help in household too, like for example making the washing up or clean up the house. My father works in Radium in the area elecrical optics and my mother in Voss in the area controlling. What keeps us together are our tours and holidays, which we spend together.

I have friends in my home town and a neighbor town and we spend a lot of time together, like in the summer we make bicycle tours and go swimming. Sport is my favorite hobby, because I do lots of sports. When the weather is good I often play badminton and speedminton with my family. In the basement of our house we have a ping – pong table, my father and me play almost every day. But my favorite sport, which I’ve been playing for many years, is soccer. My friends and me get one’s inspiration from the World Championship. I am really excited to try new sports!
Friends and people who know me would describe me as confident, open-minded and very helpful.

Finally I want to thank you again for welcoming me to your home and for…
Best regards,


Ja mit dem " i " ist mir auch im Nachhinein eingefallen. Paar kleine Fehler sind mir nach öfteren lesen auch aufgefallen. Mit dem Schlusssatz hab ich auch schon selber verbessert. Vielen Dank für die super schnelle Antwort :slight_smile: Kurz vorm Abschicken lass ich auch noch meine Englischlehrerin drübergucken, dann ist hoffentlich alles perfekt ;D

Du begehst den Fehler und übersetzt fast wörtlich vom Deutschen ins Englische;
es heißt immer my friends and I; my father and I (nie!!! me)
an Stelle to allow to become oder to get
3. Zeile SPO REGEL Besser America is known as country with
es heißt to attend school
Beschreibe eine normale Woche bzw. einen normalen Tag, dann kann sich deine künftige Familie besser deine Welt hier vorstellen. Und verliere ein paar Worte mehr über deinen background, zwischen den Zeilen liest man, dass es dir wichtig ist. Begründe es!
Zu den Städtenamen bzw. der Arbeit deiner Eltern: ein normaler US-Amerikaner kennt bestenfalls die us-amerikanischen Basen und Berlin sowie Heidelberg und vielleicht (!!!) noch die Königsschlösser, da musst du noch ein wenig nacharbeiten.
Wenn du unabhängig sein willst, musst du es begründen, so wird man aus deinem Satz nicht schlau!
Da wirst du noch etwas Arbeit investieren müssen.
Stelle dir doch bitte vor, ein solcher Brief erreicht euch als Familie, und ihr sollt einen solchen Schüler aufnehmen. Wie würden deine Eltern reagieren???


in deinem Brief sind jede Menge Fehler, hab mal alles korrigiert, was ich dachte, was falsch war. Lass am besten nochmal jemanden den Brief lesen, am besten einen Muttersprachler.
Wo deine Eltern arbeiten, versteht man meiner Ansicht nach nicht (ich zumindest nicht). Ansonsten hab ich noch ein paar Sachen gekürzt und umgestellt.

Dear Host Family,

first of all i want to thank you very much, for giving me the chance of becoming an exchange student and for allowing me to take part on your daily life.

It is my greatest wish to spend a year in the the United States. I would like to go to an American High School, get to know the culture and traditions and the ‚‚American Way of Life‘‘.

Now I will tell you something about me, my family and my daily life. My name is Patrick, I am 15 years old and my friends would describe me as confident, open-minded and very helpful. I currently attend 9th grade at High School in my hometown (Name deiner Stadt). My 11-year-old sister Kristin and me were born in Germany but my parents Stefan and Katarina come from Slovakia. So I grew up between two cultures and now can speak two languages very well.
After school I often help my sister with her homework and sometimes we cook together. Furthermore I often help out at home.
My father works in Radium in the area elecrical optics (???) and my mother in Voss in the area controlling (???).

I travel a lot with my family and love spending time with my friends. In summer we often do bicycle tours or go swimming. I also love sports - I often play badminton, speedminton or table-tennis with my family. But my favorite sport, which I’ve played for many years now, is soccer.

Finally I want to thank you again for welcoming me to your home and for…

Best regards,


Hoffe, meine Korrekturen helfen dir etwas.


Hey, mir sind gerade noch ein paar Dinge aufgefallen:

Dear Host Family,

first of all I`d like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

It is my greatest wish to spend a year in the United States. I would love to attend an American High School, get to know the culture and traditions and the ‚‚American Way of Life‘‘.

Now I will tell you something about me, my family and my daily life. My name is Patrick, I`m 15 years old and my friends would describe me as confident, open-minded and very helpful. I currently attend 9th grade at a High School in my hometown (Name deiner Stadt). My 11-year-old sister Kristin and me were born in Germany but my parents Stefan and Katarina come from Slovakia. So I grew up between two cultures and now can speak two languages very well.
After school I often help my sister with her homework and sometimes we cook together. Furthermore I often help out at home.
My father works in Radium in the area elecrical optics (???) and my mother in Voss in the area controlling (???).

I travel a lot with my family and love spending time with my friends. In summer we often do cycling tours or go swimming. I love sports - I often play badminton, speedminton or table tennis with my family. My favorite sport - which I’ve played for many years now - is soccer.

Finally Id like to thank you very much for giving me this great chance. Im looking forward to meeting you soon !

Best regards,


Viele Grüße,