Host family letter

Wäre toll wenn ihr Tipps geben könntet und meine Fehler ausbessert. :slight_smile:

Dear host family,

First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I’m really looking forward to spending a school year abroad in the USA. With this letter I’m going to try to give you a good first impression of who I am.

My name is Katharina and I am a sixteen year-old girl from Austria. I am a very open-minded, humorous and honest person. I live together with my three younger siblings, my parents, our two dogs Cora and Rigsby and our two cats Max and Sunny in a small town. Even though my father isn’t at home a lot I have a good relationship with all of my family members. My siblings and I occasionally have quarrels but we always make up instantly and it might sound cheesy but my sisters are somehow like my best friends. I can tell them everything and I love that about them.

My responsibilities at home include, taking care of my siblings if my parents aren’t at home, vacuum cleaning, unloading/loading the dishwasher and obviously I have to clean my room and get good grades in school.

I like to spend my weekends with my friends. We watch a movie, go shopping, go to the local lake or just hang out and talk about everything we can think about. If I am not spending time with my friends or family I usually read or just watch television. I am also fond of jogging and swimming. We have a pool at home, which I try to use as often as the weather allows it. But the thing I enjoy the most if I am alone is drawing. For me it’s the best way to just get my head clear.
Since my uncle has a restaurant, I also occasionally work their on weekends.

I want to make an exchange year since I love to travel and to learn about different cultures or to maybe view the world with other eyes. I choose the USA since I’ve always been interested in it. I’ve told my parents for years that I am going to atleast visit it once. I want to see how you live and I could give you an insight on how I usually live. I especially look forward to my first school day. It’s amazing that you can choose courses and I like the fact that you have clubs.

handgeschriebene Sätze

Hallo !

Also ich habe mal einige Sachen verbessert, wie ich denke, wie es richtig ist. Inhaltlich finde ich den Brief gut, kurz, aber eigentlich alles Wichtige drin.

Dear host family,

First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I’m really looking forward to spending a high school year abroad in the USA. In this letter I’m going to give you a short first impression of who I am.

My name is Katharina and I am a sixteen year-old girl from Austria. I am a very open-minded, humorous and honest person. I live together with my three younger siblings, my parents, our two dogs Cora and Rigsby and our two cats Max and Sunny in a small town. Even though my father isn’t at home a lot I have a good relationship to my whole family. My siblings and I occasionally have quarrels but we always make up instantly and it might sound cheesy but my sisters are somehow like my best friends. I can tell them everything and I love that about them.

My chores at home include taking care of my siblings if my parents aren’t at home, vacuum cleaning, unloading and loading the dishwasher and obviously I have to clean my room and get good grades in school.

I like to spend my weekends with my friends. We watch a movie, go shopping, go to the local lake or just hang out and talk about everything we can think of. If I am not spending time with my friends or family I usually read or just watch television. I am also fond of jogging and swimming. We have a pool at home, which I use as often as the weather allows it. But the thing I enjoy most if I am alone is drawing. For me it’s the best way to just clear my mind.
Since my uncle has a restaurant, I also work their occasionally during the weekends.

I want to make an exchange year since I love to travel and to learn about different cultures and view the world through foreign eyes. I choose the USA since I’ve always been interested in this country. I’ve told my parents for years that I am going to travel the USA at least once. I want to see how you live and I could give you an insight into my daily life. I especially look forward to my first school day. It’s amazing that you can choose courses and I like the fact that there are lots of clubs at school.

Hoffe, ich konnte etwas helfen.

Viele Grüße und schon mal viel Spaß in Amiland,
