Host family letter

Hallo zusammen!
Ich hab endlich meine Gastfamilienbrief fretig geschrieben und würde mich echt riesig freuen, wenn ihr ihn mal durchlesen könntet um mit zu sagen wie ihrs findet.
Ist der zu lang? Ich habe ca 800 Wörter gebraucht und als Angabe stand nur mindestens 400 wörter abet kein limit…
Es hat auch geheißen dass die Eltern vielleicht auch einen kleinen Brief schreiben sollen, aber meine Eltern sind sich nicht so sicher was man da alles schreiben soll…
Und wo ich mir auch nich ganz sicher bin ist dass in der anleitung stand dass sich die ganstfamilien auch über ein paar sätze in der landes sprache freuen würden sofern man dieschon sprechen. Ich habe zwar schon seit einiger zeit spanisch aber es it trotzdem noch nicht so gut dass ich damit einen ganzen brief verfassen könnte…
Hat jemand vielleicht eine Idee wie man das alles machen könnte?
Viiiiielen dank schon mal im vorraus
LG Annika

Dear Host Family,

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading my letter and spending time on getting to know me better. I’m really happy to get the opportunity to spend one year in Mexico. I hope this letter will give you an impression about me and my life here in Germany.

My name is Annika and I’ll be 16 on August 4th, next year. My friends would describe me as open- minded, friendly, helpful, musical and athletic. I live in the south of Germany. Here, I live with my family in a little house in a village with about 4000 inhabitants. My family consists of four members: My mum Anja (43 years old), my dad Maik (also 43) and my little brother Philipp who is 12 years old at the moment. My mum is a kindergarten teacher. I really enjoy visiting her during my days off of school, because I love to play and take care of children. That’s why I sometimes go babysitting too. My dad is working as an electrician for a company. The relationship my family has is very good. We do things together every weekend. For example we attend biking tours or go swimming. Years ago, we began to go geochaching. That’s like an electronic paper chase. What happens is somebody hides a little treasure and another person has to find it. It’s really fun. My family is a very important part of my life because they always support me when I need help or I worry about something. I’m really thankful that they have saved so much money for me to make this exchange possible!

At the moment, I’m a student in grade 10 at a secondary school, which my brother is attending too. Although it’s close to where I live, I have to ride a bus every morning to get there. School begins quite early in Germany, therefore, I have to wake up at 6 o’clock, which is sometimes really hard. My favourite subjects are Music, PE and Art. At the moment, I’m learning Spanish, English and Latin as foreign languages at school. I’m not the best in these classes, but that’s just another reason why I would like to participate on this exchange. As for extra-curricular activities, I am a member of our school orchestra and I love to participate at the concert at the end of the year. We play a lot of famous songs like “Lord of the rings”. This year, I also decided to help younger students in Math courses, as this is my best subject. I don’t find Math very difficult, and I have fun helping people to understand it too.

After school, I do my homework. Of course, I also help with the household chores by cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and tiding up my room. As well, I enjoy cooking with my mum. She shows me a lot of recipes. We cook dinner and bake together often. As school ends at 12.30 a.m., I have a lot of free time everyday. Therefore, I meet my friends to go eat ice cream, shop or just talk and laugh. We always have fun and have a great time together. One time per week we have dance lessons. There, we learn new variations of dancing steps. Sometimes we also visit little dancing balls on the weekend. I really like it because you can meet a lot of new people there and it’s also a lot of fun. Every Friday I play in the orchestra in our village. There we participate for many appearances like a winter concert. I love to go swimming in summer, so I spend a lot of time at the Lake of Constance (a big lake near our village). In Winter I often go skiing with the skiing club I’m a member of. We train for taking part in skiing races. Finally, if I need a break I just listen to music or read a book to relax a little bit.

I’ve never been to Mexico before. This exchange has been my biggest dream of mine for such a long time and I’m really happy that it is going to come true. My motivation about leaving my family and friends to go for one year abroad is to collect new life experience. I want to improve my Spanish, because I think it’s a really beautiful language and so many people of the world can speak it. Another reason, is to explore a new culture and to find new friends and a second family. I also hope to become more confident and independent. I’m really excited about this exchange and I would be very pleased to be able to be a part of your family and I could maybe even show you the german way of life too. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours Truly,


Im großen und ganzen sehr gut und zu der Länge ich würde sagen je mehr Informationen du deiner Gastfamilie von dir geben kannst desto besser.
Darüber hinaus würde ich das alles nochmal mit deiner Englischlehrerin besprechen um noch ein paar kleine fehler zu finden.

…Und ein tipp benutze yours sincerely statt yours truly .

Kommt besser :wink:

Danke erst mal ich werde den Schluss auf jeden Fall nochmal ändern… :slight_smile: Allerdings hast du wirklich viele FEhler im Englischen und Grammatik und so gefunden, weil ich hab dein Brief eigentlich schon ner Freundin gezeigt, deren Muttersprache Englisch ist, und die hat ihn mir so korrigiert.
Der Inhalt ist aber ok oder?

Hi Annika,
ich finde deinen Brief inhaltlich echt gut.
Zu deiner Frage nach der Länge deines Briefes: in den Unterlagen steht, dass der Brief handgeschrieben höchstens 2-3 und getippt höchstens 1-2 Seiten lang sein soll.
Ich hoffe, dass hilft dir weiter.
Lg Leonie