Hilfe!!! HostFamilyLetter Rotary

Hallo! Ich weiß, dass es sicher schon tausende Gastfamilienbriefe hier gibt, aber könnt ihr mir bitte helfen??? :wink:
Könntet ihr euch meinen durchlesen und dann schreiben, wie er euch gefällt und könntet ihr auch ein paar Fehler korrigieren (Beistrichfehler, usw…) und Verbesserungsvorschläge machen? BITTE!!! :grinning:

Dear Host Family!
Dear Host Club!

I thought a lot about how to write this letter.I have so many things I want to tell, but I think it would be a too long letter. Nevertheless I try to tell you something about my life in a short but detailed way. I hope you will get a good first impression of me.

My name is Julia Knauseder and live in Knittelfeld which is not such a big town in Austria with around 14.000 inhabitants. I was born on the 25th of April 1994. I live with my parents, Justine and Wolfgang, and with my 13-years-old sister Stefanie in a beautiful house. My dad teaches electic in a school and my mother is housewife, but she also has a half-time job as a room cleaner. My sister Stefanie and I go to the same school which is the BG/BRG Knittelfeld. We only have to go five minutes til we reach it so we can often go by foot but sometimes we also use our bikes. My daily schedule during the schoolyear is easy to explain. I stand up at 7am and after that I have breakfast. Then I make myself ready for school (put on clothes, brushing teeths,…) which begins at 8am. I only need fifteen minutes for this so i have enough time for doing other things until I go to school. One class is 50minutes long. I have around 13-17 subjects. Some of them are Math, German, English, History, Geography, Biology, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education or Ethics, …. In the 9th grade I can choose between Religious Education and Ethics. I choose Ethics because I find it more interesting. In the 7th grade I was able to choose between Latin, French and Geometry. I took Latin because when I can it I’m also able to understand a little bit of Spanish, France, Italian,… . In the 9th grade I had to make a decision between Spanish and France. I took Spanish with the reason that I find this language more beautiful. In school I must sit for six per day except Saturday and Sunday. After school I go home, have my lunch and then I make the homework in my room. Sometimees I have chorus which is an extra-curricular activity at my school. In my freetime I hang out with my friends Katharina, Anita, Andrea, Sabine and Carmen. I also read a lot of books and I love it to sing and to dance. I promise you, you will never hear me singing when you don’t want to. Another freetime-activities of mine are watching TV, playing computer, swimming, shopping and travelling. I’m very interested in non-fiction books. They show me the most time that I have such a faboulus life! I’m very interested in travelling too. Seeing other cultures and meeting new people is great. With my parents and my sister I was in Vienna, the capital of Austria, and in Spain (Barcelona) for more than one week. I also was in Budapest with my grandparents. Unfortunately for only one day.
Now I want to tell you something about the things I dislike. I’m afraid of spiders because they make me scared. From the food I dislike exotic food, cherrys, apples, beans, grapes and some sea food. I also dislike it when people make me down and I hate it to argue. I think I am strong at characteristics at talking, making the best out of any situation and making fun. I’m ambitios, nice, humourus and very optimistic. But I also have my bad sites. I am in some situations shy and sometimes I am a little bit lazy but I’m trying to work on it. Of course I have some more week characteristics but I’m just a human.
After being an exchange student, which is since two or more years my dream, I hope, that I am more a mature personality like yet and that I am more self-confident and self-employed. And of course, I want to learn to speak fluently English and to know the american way of life. I want to make experiences which help me in the future for a good job. After graduation I want to study. But yet I don’t know what i want to be later. Maybe something where I can travel a lot. Who knows?

I hope, you know now more about me and that you will let me part of your family. I know it is not an easy thing to dom letting somebody into your life for such a long time but I would be thankful for this chance.

In love, Julia