
Hey, ich bin jetzt seit einem Monat hier, und es ist einfach perfekt!!:slight_smile: Ich bin so gluecklich die ganze Zeit, die Leute sind so nett und offen und nehmen einen an alle Events mit. Ich bin UEBERGLUECKLICH dass ich ein Jahr in den USA verbringen kann…

Wie gehts euch so??

I write in english because I think maybe it would be better :smiley: So. I’m here for 5 weeks and I totaly agree, it is AMAZING. I’m glad that I’m here and not in Germany anymore.
I love the school and my family, my friends and my drama group :slight_smile:
I was homesick, but not really long, I also noticed my cluture shock, but only because we had a orientation and they talked about the symptoms.

I hope that every body else enjoys their time and those who are homesick,
YOU’LL MAKE IT :slight_smile: