Gastfamilien brief von den Eltern

Hi, zu meiner Bewerbung muss neben meinem eigenen Host family letter auch noch einer von meinen Eltern an die potenzielle Gastfamilie geschrieben werden. Was haben eure Eltern da so rein geschrieben? Ich muss den nämlich auch noch übersetzen. Danke!

Ist zwar nicht perfekt, aber ich fands süß geschrieben:

Dear host family,

First of all we would like to thank you very much that you are going to host our daughter Julia in your house and that she will be able to share your family-life for ten months with you. We appreciate this and we hope that there will be a good relationship between you and Julia.
Julia is a responsible, warm-hearted, friendly, uncomplicated and honest teenager. She has no problems to find friends or to integrate in a new group. She is helpful in the household and she’s helpful to her fellow students and other peoples. Julia does her homework and learning for tests all by herself. She spends a lot of time by dancing, playing piano, climbing, reading and listening to the music. Julia takes always active part of our family-life. Every week she works honorary with children who haven’t got parents. Julia goes dancing once a week, she gets a piano lesson and she goes climbing every week. Sometimes she goes with friends to the cinema, eats ice-cream or goes shopping. Julia is punctual and we can be sure of that. She never drinks any alcohol or smokes. Julia has a very good relationship to her twin sister Ellen. Ellen goes to France next year as an exchange student. We are very happy that you will help our daughter to realize her dream to live ten months in England. It’s a big chance for her and her life and her job in future.
Now something about Julia’s family:
Her dad, Carsten, is 46 years old and he works in an office for a form which works with cars. Julia’s mum, Heidi, is 41 years old and she works in an office for culture. Julia has a twin sister. We undertake much together. We go swimming; climbing, riding bike, wandering or we play family games together.
Thank you for giving Julia a home for the next year and for letting her be a part of your family. We hope that it will be a wonderful year for you and our daughter.

Yours sincerely,

Ja, das klingt wirklich süß! Auch gar nicht mal so schlecht, nur können meine Eltern glaube ich keinen ganzen Text schreiben. Mal sehen wie ich das mache. Danke erstmal, das hat mir geholfen!