Gastfamilenbrief - Verbesserungsvorschläge?

Hey ihr Lieben, bin gerade fertig geworden mit meinem Gastfamilienbrief. Ich wäre euch dankbar wenn ihr euch das mal durchlesen würdet und mir helfen könntet.

Achja ich flieg mit YFU, dort haben die ja genaue Planung des Briefes. Wollte ich nochmal erwähnen :smiley:


First of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the opportunity to live one year in the U.S.
To make your decision easier I want to tell you something about who I am.

I am Nina, a sixteen year old girl from Germany. I am living together with my Mum and our two cats in a small village. My mother and I live alone because I haven’t got much contact with my father. He lives far away from us. Formerly we met each other at the weekend but that was a few years ago. So I can say that I have a really nice relationship to my mother. We are like friends so if I have any problems I can tell her and she trys to help me.

It is nice to live in a small village especially because my friends are all living close to me so we can meet often. We often go shopping in the city or watching movies in the cinema. Sometimes we visit other citys that are farther away. I do the same with my mother. Sometimes we watch musicals in big citys. That is really fun. At home we often bake when we find nice recipes or something like this.

If I am not together with my friends or my mum I practice my favourite hobby: Indian dance.
It’s a very unusual hobby. I do it since I was nine years old. In this time I started watching Bollywood movies and I really wanted to dance like they do in that movies. Sometimes I have performances on stage when there are events in the city.

Another hobby of me is singing. A few years ago I had singing lessons but not for a long time. Now I sing at home or for my friends. Sometimes if there are events in school I have performances. It makes much fun to prepare this performances together with the school band.

My school is not far away from my home so I go there everyday by bus. In this school are more than 600 students. I am in the 10th grade. That means that I will have my school graduation soon. I am very interested in subjects like German or English. I think languages are very important because you should know how you can express yourself.

I am looking forward to my first American school day. Here in Germany the school is a little bit different from school in the USA. In my school the education usually starts at 7.50 pm and ends at 1.15 pm.

I like to try new things, find out about different cultures, people and languages. I think that living in the U.S.A will be an awesome experience for me and that it will have a big influence of my life and personality. As well I hope that after the time in your family America will be a second home to me. I’m happy that I will soon get the chance to get to know the country and the American way of life.

I really thank you for reading this letter and hope you forgive me all the faults. I hope you’re going to be MY host family and if so, thank you very much!

Wie ich dir schon einmal geschrieben habe, gehören Beiträge wie dieser ins Austauschschülerforum. Dieser Bereich hier ist für Gastfamilien, dieser Unterbereich für die private Gastfamiliensuche. Alle Fragen von Austauschschülern gehören immer ins Austauschschülerforum.

Auf deinen letzten Beitrag hier im Gastfamilienbereich hat ja auch überhaupt niemand geantwortet, weil hier eben keine Austauschschüler reinschauen, nur Interessierte, die eine Gastfamilie suchen.

Ich dachte ehrlich, ich wäre gerade beim Austauschschüler Forum. Hab es jetzt nochmal versucht mache das am Handy. Sorry. Aber danke für den Hinweis!