Brief an die potentielle Gastfamilie...

Ich hab gerade den Brief an meine potentielle Gastfamilie geschrieben und würde es wirklich toll finden wenn ihr mit Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen antworten würdet.
Schon mal vielen Dank im Voraus. :slight_smile:

Dear host family,
First of all I want to say ‘thank you’ for taking an exchange student. It’s great that you someone like me this chance.
Since three years now I have this dream and want to get to know the ‘American way of life’. I’m very interested in the American culture and history, the High school and of course in the people.
I live together with my mum and my two cats Ginny and Martha. I love animals especially cats very much.
My friends, my family and my cats are very important for me. After My school’s out at midday I meet my friends or go swimming. Every second day I go jogging in the evening with a friend of mine it’s like a little ‘ritual’ for us. I do many things together with my family. Besides excursions to the beach or something like that also sitting together in the evening for playing a game or watching a film. Often I visit my grandparents and the rest of my family. When I’m with them there are always a lot of children around me and I’m doing many things with them.
Also I love reading. I just noticed that my bookshelf is getting too small… I like many kinds of books two of my favorite authors are for example Nicholas Sparks and Hillary Norman.
My favorite subjects in school are english, biology and history.
But more than school I like the vacations. I love traveling. With my parents I often went to Denmark by car. This year I was there in a great vacation home with my mum, her boyfriend and his son and a friend of mine. But also I visit my best friend who lives in Switzerland. I learned what it is like to stay in touch without seeing each other when she moved away. It wasn’t easy but now we are closer than ever before.
Besides school I’m a babysitter and I once did a paper route. The earned money I usually take for my long vacations for example for visiting my best friend.
I’m looking forward to this year and to getting to know you.

Greetings from Germany

P.S.: Der Brief mag kurz erscheinen aber die Organisation hat auf diese Länge bestanden.

Ich finds gut :slight_smile:
Sind paar kleine Fehlerchen aber das wird dir niemand übel nehmen.

Man erfährt etwas über Dinge die du gerne machst und magst und warum du dorthin möchtest. Ich denke du hast das wichtigste drin. Was ich auch schön finde ist, dass du so vertrauensvoll schreibst, Däumchen hoch :smiley:

Danke ! :slight_smile:
Da bin ich schon mal erleichtert. Ich hatte erst keine Ahnung wie ich es schreiben sollte.

also, ich find’ den brief auch sehr gut!! ich wünsche dir viel glück für 'ne super host family!! :smiley:


ich denke, der Brief ist echt kurz, aber wenn es so sein soll, dann ist es ja okay.

In dem Brief sind jede Menge Fehler. Ich hab mal so weit korrigiert wie ich kann, aber lass den Brief unbedingt nochmal von jemandem gegenlesen, der richtig gut Englisch kann. Ich hab auch vom Inhalt her ein bisschen was geändert, also einige Sätze gekürzt.

Dear host family,

first of all I want to thank you for taking me as an exchange student. It’s great that you give this chance to me.
I have the dream of experiencing the American way of life for three years now. I’m very interested in American culture and history, the highschool and the people.
I live together with my mum and my two cats Ginny and Martha. I love animals and especially cats very much.
My friends, my family and my cats are very important to me. After school I often meet friends or go swimming. Every second day I go jogging in the evening with a friend of mine. My family and me do a lot of things together. Besides excursions to the beach we also enjoy sitting together in the evening to play a game or watch a film. Often I visit my grandparents or my other relatives. Then I´m often surrounded by children and I enjoy being with them a lot.
I also love reading. I have just noticed that my bookshelf is too small… I like many different books. Two of my favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and Hillary Norman.
My favorite subjects in school are English, Biology and History. Besides school I do babysitting and once did a paper route. The money I usually spend on my holidays as I love travelling. I`ve been to Denmark with my parents several times and I often visit my best friend in Switzerland. When she moved away I learned what it means not to see someone you like every day. At first it wasn’t easy but now we are even closer friends than before.

I’m looking forward to meeting you !

Greetings from Germany

Alles in allem finde ich den Brief gut :grinning:

Viele Grüße,


Danke für die Anmerkungen. Ich hab den brief jetzt noch einmal ein bisschen überarbeitet und hoffe dass jetzt alles gut geht. :slight_smile: