Brief an die Gastfamilie zu verbessern-WICHTIG.!!!

…hab heute meinen brief an die gastfamilie geschrieben und bitte, dass ihn jemand verbessert oder mir tipps geben kann. hab am donnerstag mein interview bei gls und brauch bis dahin den brief, wenns geht verbessert. danke =)
hat jemand erfahrungen mit gls.?
was fragen die beim interview.?

Dear host family,

Frist of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and spending time on getting to know me better. In this letter I want to tell you something about myself, my family and my friends.

My name is XXX XXX and I´m from Austria. I´m 14 years old, but when I´ll come to Canada, I´ll be already 15. I live together with my parents, XXX and XXX and my older brother XXX in XXX, a city 2 hours away from Vienna, the capital of Austria.

I’ve already been to Vancouver twice, one time when I was 8, and one time when I was 13 years old. I just stayed for 2 or 3 days, but I was delighted by this beautiful, charming city. So I decided to take part in an exchange programme to learn more about Vancouver, the canadian culture and to improve my english and to make new friends.

My parents like and support my decision, but they also say that they will miss mea nd that they can’t
imagine how it will be when I won’t be at home. I’m really glad to have parents like thisand I love and value them, as well if there are sometimes little arguings.
A great example for me in the family is my brother, who is 6 years older than me. I get along with him very well and we are arguing scarcely.
Nearly every day our family has lunch and dinner together and sometimes, on the weekends, my grandparents and my brother’s girlfriend visit us. Then I help my mother cooking and cleaning the kitchen after eating. Other things which I have to do in the household are keeping my room tidy, setting the table and loading and unloading the dishwasher.

I think that I’m a responsible, humerous , open-minded and friendly girl. Of course I have like everyone else my faults, for excample that I sometimes talk too much and that I spend too much money on clothes.

I also think that I’m a creative person, that’s why I love painting and drawing. The most time of my leisure I spend with sport. I do „Rythmic Gymnastics“ since 9 years, 4 times a week. I love this sport because I have a lot of friends there and I like teh sense of community and the competitions, where I take part.
An other thing which is very important in my life, apart from my family and my sport, are my friends. I spend a lot of time with them. We go shopping, we do DVD-evenings, sometimes we cook dinner together, we go to the cinema or we just meet to talk. I’ve got friends from school, from the sports club , friends who live in other countries, who I met when I was on holiday and others.
My best friend’s name is XXX. I know her since I was 5 years old and we do a lot of things together, she is like a sister for me.

When I’m at home and I’m finished with my homeworks, I’m often listening to music (mostly rock music), reading a book (Ttwilight“ is one of my favourites), telephoning with my freinds or watching TV.

Something, which I love too ver much, is travelling. I’ve been to many different countries and I enjoyed it every time. I like to get to know new cultures, see new places, meet new people and talk other languages.

When I’ll be older, I want to study a language or medicin, but I don’t know exactly and I have still time to decide.
In school my favourite subjects are English, Biology, Frensh and Art. Mostly I go to school with pleasure, most of the teachers are pretty good and I’ve always fun with my friends. I learn three languages at school: English, French and Latin. I’ve also learnd Mandarin, but just for one year and next year I´ll start learning Spanish.

I’m really looking forward to this 5 months and I hope that I will have an awesome time, which I will never forget and that it will be a great experience for me.
Finally I want to thank you again for reading my letter and if you should give me the opportunity to spend with you a great time in Vancouver, I’d do my best as a family member.

Best greetings from Austria,

Also ich find ihn an sich echt toll :slight_smile:
Aber das heißt once und nicht one time! Ist mir nur grade so aufgefallen :)!

… aber mir sind beim flüchtigen lesen so ein paar grammatiksachen beziehungsweise auch einfach so sachen aufgefallen, die ich anders machen würde. also:

I´ll be already 15 → i will be 15 reicht, lass das already weg.

one time when I was 8, and one time when → wie schon gesagt, once statt one time

and to improve my english and to make new friends. → das and vor to improve weglassen, einfach ein komma machen

as well if there are sometimes little arguings. → das klingt für mich iwie komisch, ich würde eher schreiben even though there sometimes are some little/small arguments. definitiv aber arguments und nicht arguings

hm wo du schreibst ‚a great example‘ über deinen bruder denke cih mal du meinst sowas wie Idol? dann schreib lieber idol und nicht beispiel, das ist ein wenig unverständlich…

keeping my room tidy, setting the table and loading and unloading the dishwasher. → das ist ja einich richtig, nur was man eigentlich eher sagt zumindest in den USA (da war ich halt) ist: to keep a room clean, … doing the dishwasher. deins ist aber auch richtig das ist nur mehr so die ausdrucksweise…

I have like everyone else my faults–> i have my faults, just like everyone else does :slight_smile:

apart from my family and my sport, are my friends → besides my family and my sport…

or we just meet to talk → in den USA sagt man ‚or we just hang out and talk‘… ich weiß jetzt grade nicht wo du hinwillst.

telephoning with my freinds–> talking on the phone with my friends

and talk other languages. → and talk IN other lang…

and I have still time to decide. → and i still have time…

looking forward to this 5 months and I hope that I will have an awesome time → looking forward to THESE 5 months … und vllt ist es auch netter wenn du schreibst … and i hope that WE will have an awesome time… das habe ich zumindest in meinem gastbrief dings so gemacht…

so das ist mir erstmal aufgefallen, hatte jetzt nicht so viel zeit.
davon mal abgesehen ist der brief aber definitiv echt gut und besser als meiner es war bevor ich in die usa bin… ;D

ich hoffe es hat dir geholfen & viel glück.

hey, ich hab den brief zwar net gelesne, hab nämlich nicht so viel zeit, aber ich geh mit gls nach südafrika und kann dir von daher n bisschen was erzählen :slight_smile:
also bis jetzt bin ich mit gls total zufrieden, die beantworten alle fragen so gut und schnell es geht und sind echt bemüht!
n bisschen sollte man sich auf das interview vorbereiten, schon mal gedanken machen, wieso man ins ausland möchte und wieso in dieses land, wie man sich selbst beschreiben würde, hobbys, lieblingsfächer usw.
war aber überhaupt net schlimm, und beim interview wurden eig nochmal fast die gleichen fragen auf englisch gestellt :slight_smile:
und dann ist die noch die application form mit mir durchgegangen und halt auch noch n bisschen was vom land erzählt und was es heißt, austauschschüler zu sein…

hoffe ich konnte dir helfen und viel glück beim interview :):+1:

lg caro

when I’ll go to Canada, nicht when I’ll come