Host family letter

Hallo :slight_smile: Ich habe jz meinen Gastfamilienbrief fertig und fänd es echt nett wenn ihr mir sagen könnt was schlecht ist und mirein paar Tips geben könntet:grinning:Ist der zu lang? :oo
Danke schonmal im voraus:grin:

Dear host family!

Thank you very much for reading this letter. I am very pleased that I am allowed to stay one year with you. Now I want to tell you something about myself, my family and my friends, so that we can see wether we have the same interests.

My name is Anna and I am 14 years old. I live in North Rhine-Westphalia in a little town with about 60,000 inhabitans.My home is at the outkirts of the city and we have there our own little community: For example live there my cousin, my aunt, my oncle and a lot of friends from school!

My school is large: There are about 1,400 students! I love that!

The school is only two Miles away, so I go to school by bike.

I like school because I meet oll my Friends there. I like to learn new things in school, too, specially in scientfically subjects like Math or Physics. Besides there are breaks, too, in which I meet oll my friends and have much fun with them.

In my future I want to study something like medicine and than maybe become a pediatrician, because I like kids very much and I find medicine exciting.

I started thinking about an exchange year when some ex-exchange student came in our class and told us about their exchange year. I found that very impressive. But first I was very afraid of the idea because I could not imagine to live one year so far away from home, without my german friends, my german family and my german home.

But after all: it is a unique oppurtunity and I think it will be very good for my future. I think that my English would imrove well and I would learn much about the American culture. I would have the unique oppurtunity to learn in an American family oll about the „American way of life“ and to join in an American Highschool the American school spirit. Because of this reasons I decide in favor for an exchange year.

Now I want to tell you something about my family: I live with my parents and my younger brother Jan, who is 13 years old, at home. We also have pets: A dog called Bari and seven guinea pigs.

My relationship to my parents and my brother is good. It is important for me that I can talk with my family about everything and that they can tell me everything, too.

My mother has got just a little job so she is often at home and I can spend much time with her. If I have problems, she helps me everytime.

My father works a lot: he works from 7 am most times till the evening. But if I need his help he support me everytime.

Also the relationship to my brother is good. We get along well with each other and have much fun together, aside from a very few disputes. But I think a few little quarrels are normal and without them it would be boring. I like my brother very much!

At the weekend we often do something with the family. We go on trips, make a biking tour or a picknick or something like that. That is everytime vey funny and I really enjoy those trips.

I avoid just relaxing in my room because with your friends or you family you can have much more fun!

My relationship to my aunt, my oncle, my cousin and my grandparents is good, too.

The family from my cousin Maike live just one street away. My cousin Maike is like my a little younger sister: We join the same hobby (roller skating) and we join the same school, so we see us very often.

I meet my grandparents regulary and in the summer holidays my grandparents go with my cousin, my brother and me together on holiday in Switzerland.

On special events like someones birthday, Chrismas or Easter the full family meets together. That is always very funny! I find it great that my family hold together and I think that is very important for a family.

Of course I help my mother in the household. For example I have to tidy up my room, wash the dishes and set the table. I like cooking very much and I am very pleased if somebody says that the meal I cooked was good. I like to help my father in the garden, too. I find plants very interesting. Besides I look after our dog and our guinea pigs. They are so cute! I love pets very much!

In my freetime I do various activitis: I do my hobby roller skating in a sport club. It is like figure skating but you do it in a gym and with roller skates. You go on competions and do there your fee section, too.

One in a year my sport club organize a skating display. I find it great to do a part af a performance together with my friends from roller skating!

I also like to go running in my freetime, too. It makes e a lot of fun and it helps me against stress from school.

Every Tuesday and Saturday I train the little kids from roller skating. I like the kids very much, they are so cute! I find it is fun to break new things to the kids. Besides I can improve my pocket money this way.

If I have time for myself, I often hear music and paint something or read a book. But there is so much to do, so I can´t do that so often.

I really enjoy meeting my friends. I have some very good friends and I can do all with them. Their home is not so far away so we can meet often.

In summertime we often go to a see next to us. We all love swimming and the sun, so the summer is the favorite time of my friends and me. But if we go in the cinema, make a pyjama party or chill out at the see, we always have fun and that is important!

Unfortunately I have no experience with exchanges, but I hope it´s going to be an good first experience in America.

Now I hope you have got a good first impression of my life. I would be happy to hear something about you before we meet, even just to say hello! I´m very glad to stay one year in the USA and thank you very much for your hospitality.

Yours Anna

Hey :grinning:
Ich fahre mit eurovacances :bulb:.also bisher hab ich ja eigentlich kaum ne erfahrung aber die sind sehr persönlich & du hast einen ansprechpartner direkt in deiner nähe. Ich hab auch schon zwei hefte bekommen zur vorbereitung 8) also bisher kann ich die dir echt empfehlen :+1:

ein sehr schöner Brief! Du hast sehr viele Informationen rein gesteckt und trotzdem flüssig und geordnet geschrieben. nur ein paar kleine Fehler haben sich rein geschlichen die aber nicht sehr schlimm sind:

  • Wie oben gesagt hast du drei mal oll statt all geschrieben
  • „and than maybe become“ - ich glaube es heißt „and then…“
  • „We join the same Hobby“ - ich glaube es würde sich etwas besser anhören wenn du „share“ anstatt join nimmst
  • activitis → acticities
  • „and I can do all…“ → „and I can do everything…“
  • dan hast du häufig „see“ geschrieben aber das bedeutet ja sehen also entweder entweder lake bzw sea, falls ihr zum Meer fahrt.
  • „an good“ → a good

so ich glaub das wars :slight_smile: ich hoffe ich konnte etwas helfen und das ich nicht zu besserwisserisch klang :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ganz viel Spaß in den USA!!!

glg, leona