Dear Host Family Letter (:

Hey Leute :slight_smile:
Uch musste für meine Organisation einen Brief an meine Gastfamilie schreiben, könnt ihr mir bitte eure meinung über ihn sagen und eventuelle Fehler berichtigen? Wär toll :smiley: Dankee!:+1:

Dear Host Family!

First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me in your family. In this letter I want to introduce myself and tell you something about me, my family and my life.
My name is „“" and I’m from „“" in Germany. I have no brothers or sisters and my father works abroad, so I live most of the time alone with my mother.
In our family, we all have a strong relationship, so if anyone has a problem we can talk about it together and we help each other. On Christmas, we all meet at my grand-mothers house. The whole family meets there on this time, so there is always a full house. But I really like this season. My friends and my family are the most important things for me.
At the moment I am going to the 10th grade of a grammar school in Cologne called “„“„”. It is named after a famous poet, „““". My grades at school have been quite good yet, I am really happy about it.
At home in Cologne we have two birds and two mice. I like other pets as well, I did dog-sitting for quite a long time, because we couldn’t have one at home, so I would have nothing against any pets.
I think I am an outgoing, friendly person who likes to have fun. I don’t think that I have a difficult or complicated character, and I think I can deal well with new situations. I wouldn’t say of myself that I am shy, and if I am, then just at the beginning. My teachers and my friends describe me as an open minded person with a great character and a great sense of humour.
I spend most of my time with my friends by going to the cinema, going into the park or just hang out with them. I love sports, so I do karate twice a week and also vaulting twice a week. I’m doing both for quite a long time, karate for three years and vaulting for six years. Once a week, I play the guitar. I’m not doing this for a long time now, but I like it.
Since I knew that it was possible to spend a year or half a year abroad, I knew that I want to do it. I think it’s a great chance which is only given once in my life, so I seized it. I think it’s a big difference if you travel to a country and be there as a tourist, or if you live there for a year or half a year, go to school there, meet the people who are living there and live with them, instead of living with my own family.
I took Great Britain because I think it’s a nice country, not too far away but also different. I have never been to England before, but I always wanted to spend some time there. In my time in England I want to get know the British language better, so that I speak better English. I also want to learn something about the country in England and the people living in it. I think it’s a completely different culture about who I want to know more.

I am really looking forward to my travel to England,

Yours, „“„“.

mm. grooße fehler sind jetzt nicht drin vom englischen her, das ist ganz gut. aber deine themen, die du da aufzählst, haben alle kaum was miteinander zu tun… das ist jetzt nicht so fließend zu lesen, da fehlen irgendwie gefühle drin, also der mensch, der du selbst so bist!das ‚DU‘ hehe. schreib mehr über erwartungen, WIE du zu deinem hobbies gekommen bist, ob du gern zur schule gehst, WAS du an tieren so toll findest und WARUM fängst du mit weihnachten an? da fehlt so der ‚link‘ … vielleicht auch noch, 'what you should know about me :wink: ’ ob du kleine fehler hast zum beispiel… so kann man den brief auch noch ein bisschen lustiger machen :smiley: viel glück :slight_smile:

Also ich musste 2 A4 Seiten auf Pc schreiben (in normaler Schrieftgröße) vieleicht deshalb hab ich den Eindruck das der bissel kurz ist.
Also wo ich meinen geschrieben hab, dachte ich auch nie das ich das voll krieg, aber dann musste ich ogar noch was weg machen.

ließ ihn dir einfach nochmal durch und schau od du jemanden denn du nicht kennst auf grund dieses Briefes sympatisch finden würdest.

lg Luisa

Dankeschön für die Beiträge(: Mir war das alles vorher gar nicht aufgefallen, aber ich hab ihr jetzt nochmal umgeschrieben, könnt ihr mir bitte sagen ob ihr ihn jetzt besser/persönlich/ansprechender findet? Wär toll, ich brauche ihn nämlich so bald wie möglich! :grinning:

Dear Host Family!
First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me in your family. In this letter I want to introduce myself and tell you something about me, my family and my life.
My name is „“„“ and I’m from „“ in Germany. I have no brothers or sisters and my father works abroad, so I live most of the time alone with my mother. That wasn’t always easy for me and my family, but he works abroad since I was five years old, so it is familiar for me. We find our ways to communicate and we are calling almost every day. I have a very strong relationship to my parents, so if anyone has a problem we can talk about it together and we help each other. That is very important for me, so I can say that my family is, beside of my friends, the most important thing for me. My friends are wonderful, I can always count on them and I love them because they are different to others. We can always have fun together and I can talk to them about everything. They are one reason why l like going to school, because even in subjects which I don’t like we can help each other, so I always liked going to school. My school is called “„“„” and it is not far away from my home. In the moment I am going into the 10th grade. My favourite subjects are German, Art and English. I always liked languages, writing and painting more than subjects like physic or chemistry.
After school I go at home, or to friends of mine and eat there. After that and doing my homework I mostly meet my friends or do a hobby like vaulting, playing the guitar or karate. I do vaulting and karate both twice a week and playing the guitar once a week. I started vaulting six years ago and now we are a team which goes to tournaments a few times a year. Karate I started three years ago, and I still like it. I don’t think I have to continue my sports in the UK, maybe I could try something new, that would be even more interesting. Trying out new things is one of the most important things I want to do in the UK, because it is a great chance for it. This is one of the reasons why I decided to spend half a year abroad. I think I will not only have new experiences, learn a language better than in Germany, but I think meeting new people in a new area and learn how they live and how their culture is different to mine, that’s why I wanted to seize the chance of leaving my home country for a while. I think the UK is a good country for my half year abroad, because it’s not so far away, but also different. I have never been to the UK before, but I always wanted to spend some time there.
Of course I will miss my family and my friends during the time in the UK a lot, but that’s normal and half a year is not such a long time. Besides I think and hope that I experience so much in my time in the UK, that I won’t have the time to miss them too much. One thing that I will also miss will be my two birds called Willi and Eloise. Because of them it is never quiet in our flat, and funnily enough, I like that. I love animals in general, because it is always nice to see how they recognize you, and how they start to like you if you are nice to them. So I wouldn’t have anything against pets at all.
All in all I think I am an outgoing, friendly person who likes to have fun. I don’t think that I have a difficult or complicated character, and I think I can deal well with new situations. I wouldn’t say of myself that I am shy, and if I am, then just at the beginning. My teachers and my friends describe me as an open minded person with a great character.
I am really looking forward to my travel to England,
Yours, „““"

Danke erstmal für deine Verbesserungen :grinning:!
Ich hab jetzt mal probiert das umzustellen, aber das ist echt schwierig weil ich probiert hab das alles so miteinander zu verknüpfen im Brief, weil das vorher immer so >>ein paar Zeilen hierdrüber; Absatz;neues Thema; Absatz<

Hier jetzt die aktuellste Version, die ich auch morgen abschicken muss… Ich wollte jetzt noch einmal abschließend fragen ob du/ihr findet das er gut zu lesen und ansprechend ist… Ich danke euch, auch wenn ich wahrscheinlich schon nerve :confounded: aber das würde mir echt helfen :slight_smile:

First of all I want to thank you for welcoming me in your family. In this letter I want to introduce myself and tell you something about me, my family and my life.
My name is „“„“ and I’m from „“, that’s a big city in Germany. I have no brothers or sisters and my father works abroad, so I live most of the time alone with my mother. We live together with two birds called Willi and Eloise in a flat in the centre of „“„. Because of our two birds it is never quiet in our flat, and funnily enough, I like that. I love animals in general, because it is always nice to see how they recognize you, and how they start to like you if you are nice to them. So I wouldn’t have anything against pets at all.
That I live most of the time alone with my mother hasn’t always been easy for me and my family, but my father has been working abroad since I was five years old, so I’m used to it. We find our ways to communicate and we are calling a few times a week. I think I have a good relationship with my parents, so if anyone has a problem we can talk about it together and we help each other. That is very important for me, so I can say that my family is, beside of my friends, the most important thing for me.
My friends are wonderful, I can always count on them and I love them because they are different to others. We can always have fun together and I can talk to them about everything. They are one reason why l like going to school, because even in subjects which I don’t like we can help each other, so I always liked going to school.
My school is called ““„“"” and it is not far away from my home. In the moment I am going into the 10th grade. My favourite subjects are German, Art and English. I always liked languages, writing and painting more than subjects like physic or chemistry. But I never had big problems in school; my grades have always been quite good.
All in all I think I am an outgoing, friendly person who likes to have fun. I don’t think that I have a difficult or complicated character, and I think I can deal well with new situations. I wouldn’t say of myself that I am shy, and if I am, then just at the beginning. My teachers and my friends describe me as an open minded person with a great character.
After school I go home, or to friends of mine and eat there. After that, and doing my homework, I mostly meet my friends or do hobbies like vaulting, playing the guitar or karate. I do vaulting and karate both twice a week. I started vaulting six years ago and now we are a team which goes to tournaments a few times a year. I can not play the guitar very well, I am still an amateur. Karate I started three years ago and I still like it. I don’t think I have to continue my sports in the UK, maybe I could try something new, and that would be even more interesting. Trying out new things is one of the most important things I want to do in the UK, because it is a great chance for me. This is one of the reasons why I decided to spend half a year abroad. I think I will not only have new experiences, learn a language better than in Germany, but I think meeting new people in a new area and learn how they live and how their culture is different to mine, that’s why I wanted to seize the chance of leaving my home country for a while. I think the UK is a good country for my half year abroad, because it’s not so far away, but also different. I have never been to the UK before, but I always wanted to spend some time there.
I am really looking forward to my travel to England,


also, der zweite text ist echt viel besser als der erste. ein paar fehlerchen sind zu finden, aber vllt hast du ja einen netten englischlehrer, der den text für dich kontrollieren würde?!

manchmal finde ich die themen noch immer ein bisserl chaotisch angeordnet, versuche die absätze besser zu setzen.
sonst, ist der text schon zieml gut, lange texte sollten glaub ich besonders gut bei gastfamilien ankommen. man kann ja immer noch ausschmücken :slight_smile:

wie gesagt, englischlehrer aufsuchen, ich habs von einer native-speakerin an der schule korrigieren lassen, das war wirklich hilfreich.

liebe grüße

Also ich habe auch mal deine beiden Briefe durchgelesen und es stimmt der erste war ncith gerade persönlich und den 2. hab ich nur so überflogen aber er klang schon echt gut :smiley:
Man muss sich einfach vorstellen, wie ein Brief bei dir ankommen würde, wenn du einen Austauschsschüler bei dir aufnehmen würdest.
Meines Brief habe ich zwar schon immer Sommer geschriben aber ich weiß noch, dass ich auch was über meine Schwächen reingeschrieben habe und über das, was ich denke. Es bringt auch nichts, wenn man der Familie etwas vorspielt von wegen, ich bin ja soo sportlich und dann kommt man in eine hypersportliche Familie und hat gar keine Lust immer unterwegs mit denen zu sein und die Gastfamilie ist auch enttäuscht.
Ich habe ziemlich schnell eine Hostfamily gekriegt und sie meinten, ein Grund warum sie mich genommen haben ist dass ich so einen „wunderschönen und ehrlichen Brief“ geschriben habe :smiley: